Oriya Delicacy- Patala Rasa(stuffed parwal/ Pointed Gourd)

in blurtchef •  4 years ago 

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Dear Friends,
Today I am here to share with you a healthy vegan delicacy of Orisha 'stuffed Parwal.' Before that, let me share with you why I mentioned that this is a healthy delicacy! You all will be shocked to know about the several benefits of Parwal-

1.Parwal is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2. Thus it helps to control cholesterol levels, gastric problems.
Parwal or pointed gourd helps to purified blood, Drink 20 ml pointed gourd juice triple a week; it is advantageous for blood.

2.According to Ayurveda treatment, Parwal uses to cure cough. Prepare a radix decoction of the pointed gourd and take 5 ml twice a day.

3.Parwal is helpful to cure the common flu and also helps to boost our body immunity. Parwal is rich in fiber, which helps for digestion.

4.You will be surprised to know that parwal or pointed gourd helps to prevent the aging factor. Pointed gourd consists of a good amount of antioxidants vitamin A, and C, that treat to fight the free organic fragments boosting the aging signs.

5.The seeds of parwal help to improve blood sugar, cholesterol; and also helps to give rise to constipation. The seeds being in the parwal vegetables; help loosen stool and are recommended to reduce the costiveness problem.

6.Those who are health conscious and want to reduce weight can keep parwal on their diet. Pointed gourd carries low calories, and it feels fuller and controls the need to eat.

7.Apart from the above benefits, parwal is also used in Ayurveda to treat headaches, wounds, liver diseases, skin diseases, etc.

I hope this is a piece of helpful information. Now, let's start making stuff pointed gourd.


1.Parwal / Pointed gourd- 10 to 12nos.
2.Tomato Puree- 1cup.
3.Cashew Paste- 2-1/2tbsp.
4.Turmeric powder- 1tsp.
5.Red chili powder- 1/2tsp.
6.Kashmiri red chili powder- 1/2 tsp.
7.Coconut Milk- 1/2 cup.
8.Salt- To taste.
9.Rice Bran or vegetable oil- As required.

For the Spice Paste:-

1.Cinnamon stick- 1-1/2 inch.
2.Green Cardamom- 4 pods.
3.Cloves- 5nos.
4.Green Chilies- 3-4(chopped).
5.Fresh coconut- 1/2cup.
6.Ginger- 1-1/2inch(finely chopped).
7.Poppy seeds- 2-1/2 tsp.

Ingredients for the stuffing:-

1.Cottage Cheese- 1-1/2cups(grated).
2.Black peppercorns- 1-1/2tsp(crushed).
3.Green chilies- 2(finely chopped).
4.Cashews- 1-1/2tbsp(crushed).
5.Raisins- 1-1/2tbsp(chopped).
6.Cilantro leaves- 1-1/2tbsp(finely chopped).
7.Salt- to taste.

For the seasoning:-

1.Bay leaves- 2nos.
2.Cumin seeds- 1/2tsp.

For the garnishing:-
1.Cilantro leaves- A handful(finely chopped).

Preparation Method:-

Step 1- First, take a small bowl. Add 2tbsp of warm water. Soak poppy seeds for 20 minutes.

Step 2- Then clean pointed gourds and scrape skin with the help of a kitchen knife. Then both the edges, one is little and another little bigger. Scoop out the seeds from the inside. Add some salt and keep aside for 10 minutes.

Step 3- In a mixer grinder jar, add the spices mentioned above for the paste. Cinnamon stick, green cardamoms, cloves, soaked poppy seeds(with water), ginger, coconut, green chilies. Make a fine paste with them. If required, can use more water.

Step 4- Next, in another mixing bowl, add grated cottage cheese, crushed black peppercorns, cilantro leaves, crushed cashews, chopped raisins, salt, green chilies. Combine all ingredients gently with the help of a spoon.

Step 5- Place a non-stick pan or wok on medium flame. Add 2tbsp of oil. Fry parwal for 2-3 minutes. Take out on a plate, and set aside until cool down.

Step 6- Once fried pointed gourds cool down completely, gently fill them with stuffing. You have to be very careful while filling the stuffing. Else the parwal will be broken.

Step 7- Again, place the wok on medium flame. Add 2-1/2tbsp of oil. Once the oil is heated well, add bay leaves, cumin seeds. Saute for few seconds.

Step 8- Next, add (step-3) a grounded spice mixture. Saute until the raw aroma goes away. About 3-4 minutes.

Step 9- Now, add tomato puree, turmeric powder, salt, red chili powder, Kashmiri red chili powder, Cashew paste. Mix all spices well and cook for another 5 minutes.

Step 10- Add 1 cup of warm water. Mix well and cover the wok with a lid.

Once the gravy will start boiling, add 1/2 cup coconut milk into the wok. Again close the lid; bring it to another boil.

Step 11- Check salt and spice at this stage. If required, adjust at this stage. Now, gently slide the stuffed pointed gourd in the gravy. Lower the flame, and cook for another 4-5 minutes. Turn off the flame.

Step 12- Transfer Patala Rasa or stuffed pointed gourd in a serving bowl and garnish with cilantro leaves. Now it's ready to serve with steamed rice, or puris, or parathas.

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Image Credit:source1,source2

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