The Special Taste of Gayo Arabica Coffee at Kenred

in blurtchef •  4 years ago  (edited)

The heavy rain is pouring the land outside Kenred Coffee Shop. It’s the peak of wet season in Aceh Province of Indonesia. Kenred Coffee shop is located at Simpang Tiga Redelong of Bener Meriah District. Bener Meriah is one of district in Gayo Highlands of Aceh Province. Gayo Highlands is a region producing arabica coffee. I am here this evening sipping a cup of coffee.


Usually I like to drink espresso without sugar, but this evening I would try the coffee with a little of milk. It’s quite good, but for me it’s not as good as drinking espresso. Gayo arabica coffee is one of the best coffee in the world. It has strong body with low acidity.


I really love to drink gayo arabica coffee. I have my own coffee farm as well. It’s now the peak season of harvesting our coffee. Unfortunately, the price of coffee is down due to Covid-19 pandemic. The demand of export is the lowest within ten years. Gayo arabica coffee is shipped to USA, South Korea, Europe, Australia, and more countries. Kenred Coffee is one of coffee producer in Indonesia.


I am sitting here to sip my coffee while listening to the music. The rain is stopping gradually, now it’s just a light rain outside.


Do you like coffee? I think you have to try gayo arabica coffee. Our like is like Jamaica Blue Mountains Coffee.


Trust me, you will be surprised after sipping gayo arabica coffee. We have good cupping score with great aroma, flavor, and heavy body. It has sweet flavor with nutty, fruity, floral, tobacco-like, citrus-like and spicy notes.


Kenred Coffee produce coffee powder and roasted beans. There are some products of Kenred Coffee. High Class coffee is one of the best. It’s a fully washed coffee, roasted medium to dark.


The specialty coffee is semi washed process. It has a complete taste of gayo coffee, clean cup and balance.


The owner of Kenred Coffee is Iwan Rahmat. He is a master roaster as well. He got master about five year ago, certified by Dr. Manuel Diaz. The roasters of Kenred Coffee is not only Iwan, but also Juan and Kaswin.


There is a roaster machine in this coffee shop. The roaster machine is William 6000, an Indonesian brand of roaster machine.


I just finished my coffee and I am ready to publish my content to blockchain social media. What a great day. Oh, rainy day.


Just let me know if you are going to visit Gayo Highlands, I will treat you with a great special coffee. Have a good day everyone.

Warm regard,

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