Children's handmade pita...

in blurtchef •  2 years ago 

Hi friend's,
I am @rasel8. From #Bangladesh..

How are you all ? Hope you all are well I appeared again among you with another new post of mine Today I will discuss with you some skills for kids Hope you all like it. Let's start-

I am surprised to see the little ones sometimes How come they have so much creative intelligence at such a young age Children will watch us do what they try themselves. They start learning by watching us. That is why we should always teach them the right thing. Many times it is seen that they try to do the work of the adults themselves even though they cannot, then we should encourage them without stopping them but we cannot encourage them in any bad deeds.


A few days ago, I went home from Kushtia for some urgent need. After going home I went to my elder aunts house. My elder uncle has four sons. My sejo cousin has a daughter age 8/9 years Go see what he is doing in the kitchen. Later, he looked at Jiga and said, Kaku, I am making rose pitha. I said it is another pita, he said you will sit down and eat it. I said to him, you make it and I sat down. I sat and talked with my friends.


Meanwhile, how he made a round like bread out of dough and pressed them to make a rose flower Then fried it in oil. Fried and placed on a plate. After frying them all, they were again taken on a plate and decorated with red grapes on it. It looked very beautiful. Then he brought me and said, eat one and see how it is I said Kaku, how can you learn to make it so many people, then they are saying that they are learning from their friends' houses. Anyway, even though he was a small person, he made the cake beautifully.

In fact, children do what they want to do, or what they like Even if you want to stop them, they will want to do that They can set a lot of things in their brain after seeing one thing. That is why we will always try to guide them in the right direction and give them the right education.

I hope you all like my post today Everyone will be fine and healthy. See you again with my new post.

Thank you all for reading my post today.

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