Peanut Butter and Jam Turnovers Recipe

in blurtchef •  4 years ago 

I thought, why not make a buttery flaky turnover filled with raspberry preserves and creamy peanut butter? Yes it’s pure deliciousness in turnover form. By the way, I used some of the other jams for making thumbprint cookies and these preserves worked out perfectly. They are soooo good. I especially love the fig but now on with the recipe!


First you’ll of course need some puff pastry. I highly recommend Trader Joe’s. Like recommend times a billion. You won’t even have to unfold it and you won’t have to roll it out. It’s all ready to go!


Ignore the directions on the box about defrosting it for 10 minutes. Yeah right, in my defrosting puff pastry dreams this stuff would defrost in 10 minutes. Not that I have dreams about defrosting puff pastry, that’s seriously weird. Defrost the puff pastry sheets for 45 minutes. (Oh and don’t unwrap them until you’re ready to use them or they’ll dry out and you’ll cry)

Once they’re defrosted, flour the counter so the puff pastry doesn’t stick and flour the puff pastry sheets a bit.


Cut each puff pastry sheet into 4 squares. Mine are about 4 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches. (ok so it’s a littttle bit more than 4 1/2 inches but that’s approximately how big they are)


Place 1 Tablespoon of creamy peanut butter in the center of each puff pastry square.


And 1 Tablespoon of raspberry preserves next to the peanut butter in the center of the puff pastry square.


Whisk together 1 tbsp of water and 1 egg.


Brush the edges of the puff pastry squares with this egg wash.



Fold the edges over. You want to press around the peanut butter and raspberry preserves in order to make sure there’s a really good seal around the filling.




Dip the edges of the fork into the egg wash and crimp the edges of the turnover on one side.



Dip the edges of the fork in the egg wash again and crimp the edges of the other side. Yes I’m crimping the side of a different turnover for this photo…why? I have no clue.


Brush the top of the prepared turnover with egg wash.


Using a knife, cut two slits in the top of the turnover.


Place the turnovers on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 400 degrees F for 15 minutes.


Peanut Butter and Jam Turnovers

(1 pound) 2 sheets puff pastry (I highly recommend using Trader Joe’s puff pastry. It is so much easier to use and works better than Pepperidge Farm for these turnovers)
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup raspberry jam (I use Bonne Maman)
1 egg mixed with 1 Tablespoon water

Defrost the puff pastry. If you’re using Trader Joe’s don’t listen to the defrosting directions on the package. Instead, defrost the puff pastry for 45 minutes.

Once the puff pastry is defrosted, flour the counter and the puff pastry so it doesn’t stick to the counter. You don’t even need to roll out the Trader Joe’s puff pastry.

Cut each puff pastry sheet into 4 squares. (you’ll have a total of 8 squares) I cut the squares into 4 1/2 by 4 1/2 inches.

Place 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter in the middle of the puff pastry square.

Place 1 Tablespoon of raspberry jam next to the peanut butter, in the middle of each puff pastry square.

Whisk together 1 Tablespoon of water and 1 large egg. Brush the edges of the puff pastry squares with this egg wash.

Fold the puff pastry diagonally and press around the peanut butter and jelly in order to seal in the filling.

Dip a fork into the egg wash and crimp the edges on one side. Then dip the fork again in egg wash and crimp the edges on the other side. Make sure the turnover is completely sealed so the filling doesn’t seep out.

Brush the tops of the turnovers with the prepared egg wash. Cut two slits on top of each turnover using a knife.

Place the turnovers on a baking sheet. Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes.



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I don't know, where are you from. But in Bangladesh we also make such a food. Very nice share. Nice to see this technique with fork of spoon. Thanks.