Why you should eat oatmeal for breakfast

in blurtchef •  4 years ago  (edited)

Oat meals are perfect for breakfast. How do you like your oats prepared? they still add those nutritional value. From weight loss,to reduce heart disease, to lowering blood sugar level in the body this amazing meal also serves as an antioxidant with endless vitamins and a good source of fibre for humans. Oat also helps in managing asthma and a help in reducing constipation. This amazing gluten-free whole grain is everything needed for breakfast.

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•Take the desired quantity of oat/gluten-free oat needed for breakfast.
•Add a pinch of salt and little water at room temperature to your oat and leave to absorb.
•When this is done, pour hot water to your bowl and allow to cook for a while.
•You can add,milk,sugar,honey to taste and a top of fruits for fancy.
This amazing oats are used in making pancakes too,depending on how you want your oat made. They are many other procedures in turning oats into a perfect breakfast.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ich mache mir immer Honig und Zimt rein.
Das schmeckt super!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Honig ist am besten, ich mag meine auch mit Honig

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