Vegan feast
Today a small brunch for lunch, because friends came to visit me and that was my reason to create something delicious again.
So what did I cooked? Let's have an overview and look.
- Vegan lentil curry balls
- fried tofu in soya sauce
- Potato - carrots in herbs
- Homemade Cashew-Almond Cream
- Homemade tomato sauce as ketchup substitute
- Dessert was a strawberry Chia pudding
Bon Appetit
Festa Vegan
Hoje um pequeno brunch para o almoço, porque amigos vieram me visitar e essa foi a minha razão para criar algo delicioso novamente.
Então o que é que eu cozinhei? Vamos ter uma visão geral e ver.
- Bolas de caril de lentilhas vegan
- tofu frito em molho de soja
- Batata - cenouras em ervas aromáticas
- Creme Caseiro de Caju-Almond
- Molho de tomate caseiro como substituto do ketchup
- A sobremesa era um pudim de morango Chia
Bom apetite
Veganes Festmahl
Heute mal ein kleiner Brunch zum Lunch, denn Freunde kamen vorbei und wie ist es, wenn man Besuch bekommt? Man stellt vieles bereit.
Was gab es denn?
- vegane Linsen-Curry Bällchen
- gebratenen Tofu in Soya Sauce
- Kartoffel - Karotten in Kräutern
- Selbstgemachte Cashew-Mandel Creme
- Selbstgemachte Tomatensauce als Ketchup Ersatz
- Dessert war ein Erdbeer-Chia Pudding
Bon Appetit
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I love to eat vegan food. Nice breakfast as i love to call but it is your lunch.
Keep posting.
I will :) thanks