I am back... Foodies and travels here I come again (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in blurtchef •  3 years ago 


Here I am again

Please forgive me my non blogging time, I needed a break from blogging and work and have enjoyed the rest of the summer quite peacefully with friends.

But now I see to the I again regularly share my vegan food posts and travel impressions with you.
Did I miss something important here, then let me know with pleasure.
How was your summer?

Attached is my little vegan tofu curry yummy meal, to start again with my vegan food posts.

vegan tofu curry

  • 100% love ❤️
  • Thai rice
  • Natural tofu
  • Curry cream
  • Coconut milk/ cream
  • Salad

Bon Appetit

Your @LotusFleur

Pictures were taken with my Huawei P30


Aqui estou eu outra vez

Por favor perdoem-me o meu tempo de não blogging, precisei de uma pausa no blogging e no trabalho e desfrutei o resto do Verão de forma bastante pacífica com os amigos.

Mas agora volto a partilhar regularmente com vocês os meus posts de comida vegan e as minhas impressões de viagem.
Se perdi algo importante aqui, então digam-me com prazer.
Como foi o vosso Verão?

Em anexo encontra-se a minha pequena refeição vegan de caril de tofu, para recomeçar com os meus postos de comida vegan.

caril de tofu vegan

  • 100% amor ❤️
  • Arroz tailandês
  • Tofu natural
  • Creme de caril
  • Leite de coco / nata
  • Salada

Bon Appetit

O seu @LotusFleur

Foram tiradas fotografias com o meu Huawei P30


Da bin ich wieder

Verzeiht meine Liebe Community, ich brauchte auch mal eine Auszeit vom bloggen und der Arbeit und habe den restlichen Sommer recht entspannt mit Freunden genossen.

Aber nun sehe ich zu das ich wieder regelmäßiger meine Vegan Food Posts und travel Eindrücke mit euch teile.
Habe ich was wichtiges hier verpasst, dann lasst es mich gern wissen.
Wie war euer Sommer?

Anbei mein kleines vegan Tofu Curry Gericht, als Einstieg meiner Food Blogs.

vegan Tofu Curry

  • 100 % Liebe ❤️
  • Thai Reis
  • Naturtofu
  • Curry Creme
  • Kokosnussmilch/ Creme
  • Salat

Bon Appetit

Eure @LotusFleur

Bilder wurden mit meinem Huawei P30 gemacht
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have the same t-shirt...Cute but Psycho.....
I like it!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Super cool. Somit sind es zwei cute but psycho gurl hier. Lol.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Bei mir steht es allerdings vorne drauf.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hehe, wer sagt das es bei mir auf dem Rücken steht? 🤣👍 Alles Liebe dir.

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