Mother's hand-made guava mash...

in blurtchef •  4 years ago 

Although guava is not easily available in the market now. But some amount of guava can be seen in the guava trees. A few days ago my mother found a few guavas from our guava tree.



My father told my mother to make guava mash. My father can't chew raw guava because he has teeth problem.That's why mother made guava paste or mash.

The ingredients that used to make the mash

2020-12-02 10.33.55.jpg

  • Guava
  • Burnt pepper
  • Coriander leaves
  • Salt
  • Tamarind
  • Sugar

How to make guava mash





  1. First of all, wash the guava and coriander leaves well.
  2. The machine you see in the picture, that is, the shape of an iron bucket-shaped machine with all the ingredients inside, grind them well with another iron-like stick.
  3. Then, add salt, sugar, pepper and tamarind to it quantitatively. Then it became a delicious guava mash.

Thanks everyone for reading my post and your supporting....

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