Curd || A name associated with the culture of Bengali food

in blurtchef •  4 years ago 


Our interest in food means our interest in our mind as well as our tongue. I pulled tongue out when it came to food because this thing is the complete artisan of our food. When the tongue tastes in food, we eat that food, and if the tongue does not taste, we give up that food.

However, talking about the tongue is not my main purpose. But many times we are not hungry but we eat different types of food for taste. Let's move on to the main topic.

About Curd and Our culture is involved with this


Bengali means, a nation of food beloved. So to increase digestion power at the end of the food, many have eaten curd. Especially in any event, such as the wedding ceremony, in the ceremony of Khotna on the occasion, Curd on the occasion of the yellow ceremony is a very popular food. In any event, there is no Curd after eating food, but it does not get fullness of food.

Many people are comfortable with rice and swords mixed with Curd. Their argument, playing in this method, they can eat rice or meat more. I have tried this method, but I am not accustomed to it. That's why I do not feel comfortable.

How do Curdle Milk


It is easy to do Curdle milk.. Your need some materials..

  • Cow Milk
  • Sugar
  • One time glass


Take 1 kg amount of cow milk. There can not be water mixed with any water. Then warm the milk well.

Then mix the sugar. You like sweetness as much as you like.

Then this hot blend is from one pot to another container, how long to pour it in this way. Then pour out some one time glass. Then cover them with heavy things. Wait for 12 hours. See, the food has been created.
Actually, I never made curd. But I have seen a lot of days to make it. So much experience has been done.

About This Pictures


Me and my uncle went to the market yesterday afternoon. Then we entered the restaurant, for some food. But two of us are eating in launch more food. So to give peace to the inside of the stomach, eat this meal.

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