Ham And Cheese Empanada

in blurtchef •  3 years ago 

My youngest daughter requested to cook her an empanada.
I checked the ingredients first if I could cook it for her, after checking I told her that the ingredients were lacking of cheese and eggs then she replied that she would buy it at the store.
So granny @june21neneng had cooked delicious Ham and cheese empanada. Here is the recipe


The Ingredients:


Pastry Dough:

2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup margarine or butter
4 eggs ( need only eggyolks)
1 teaspoon iodized salt
1/4 cup water

1 bar cheese
10 sliced ham

How to make a pastry dough?

First sift the flour.
Put the sifted flour in a bowl add salt, margarine or butter make hole at the center of dry ingredients, put the eggyolks and water mix it very well knead until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Once done let it rest for 10 minutes.


After 10 minutes roll the dough cut a small part then flaten the dough with rolling pin ( no rolling pin so i used tumbler glad it works 😂😂)


shaped ( cut ) in circular motion


then fill in with sliced ham and cheese use fork when sealing.


Deep fry for about a minutes when the color turns golden brown then its done. See it simple.😅😅


Once again it’s me your chef granny


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