Hey my favorite food lover friends!
How are you? I hope you are well and healthy wherever you are. I'm fine too. Today I have come before you with a new food. That is khichuri. I think it's everyone's favorite food. Today we have cooked and eaten it with many family members. You can call it a picnic, because after a long time everyone has met. So this is the arrangement of eating and drinking. I love my family so much that I love spending time with my family. And that's what I'm sharing with you.

I will share with you how you cooked khichuri. I hope you like it.

First I washed the rice and lentils well and picked up a bowl.I took three kilos of rice here. And took 1 kg of lentils.

Then I washed the green peppers well and cut them into slices.

Then here I chopped the onion and made a paste of ginger, garlic, cumin together.

I cooked khichuri with beef and beef fat. It has been very tasty to eat.

In fact, everyone in the family has a different feeling of spending time together, which cannot be expressed in words. I get very close to my family members, I try to enjoy the time when I get close. And try to get along with everyone. I really enjoy spending time with my family. You must spend time with your family and give them time. Then the relationship is good.
I sometimes call everyone to my own house or go to someone else's house and arrange food and drink like this. I will try to share these issues with you again later. Because I occasionally organize a lot of cooking and call my relatives and family members. We enjoy it very much. We play a lot of games, hang out. We like it very much .

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