Day 63- 鸭血/嫩豆腐加上它超级好吃😋 Duck blood/tender bean curd with its super delicious

in blurtchef •  4 years ago 


Every day in the group to see the second kill want to rob... But all are to buy food to eat, other things seldom buy ~ Xi Xi

This time I bought three boxes of duck blood and tender tofu, and yams... Is duck blood really so cheap? A box costs less than two yuan, and it's delicious and nutritious

Tender tofu is also very cheap, is less than two yuan, of course, or brand, so there is no need to doubt the quality

Everything is fresh and the yams look all right. It feels good to be so cheap

I put the tender tofu into the freezer, originally wanted to cook hot pot to eat, because other ingredients have not yet prepared ~ today I had a whim to fry the duck blood and frozen tofu together... Temporary also added a yam, did not think of the taste of super yummy ~ a bowl is almost full one finished 😅 bear children

Originally, I was going to fry the yam with black fungus, but I forgot to soak it in the water. But the consequences could be serious... Yam has an instant medicine 😂 in Montenegro

So temporary change, add in duck blood and frozen tofu stir-fry up taste really great! Totally unexpected and super delicious

First of all, duck blood and frozen bean curd are blanched and then dried. Put some salt in the water before blanching, so the tofu doesn't crumble easily... Add some chopped millet spicy/ginger/garlic and chives, add some edible oil in the hot pot until fragrant

Quickly add the frozen tofu and duck blood. Heat it first. Add light soy sauce/salt... Cook for two minutes, add yam and stir well. The three ingredients will thicken immediately. Add boiling water and continue to stir for a while. Add pepper and chicken powder to taste and sprinkle with chopped green onion

Duck blood has the effect of nourishing Yin and nourishing deficiency/clearing heat and relieving cough. Yams also have the effect of nourishing Yin. Yams have always been regarded as a good and inexpensive "tonic" product... Although the appearance is not surprising, but rich nutrition, in addition to contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, yams also contain amylase/polyphenol oxidase and other healthy components ~ both with the role of not only nourishing Yin lung, but also can remove greasy it

Frozen tofu is soft but not rotten... Yam crisp mouth ~ a faint scent slightly spicy duck blood frozen tofu with yam minutes empty plate! Doesn't it look very rich ~ you say delicious not delicious ~^^



每天团购群里一看到秒杀就想抢… 不过都是买食物吃,其他的东西很少买~嘻嘻

这次买了三盒鸭血和嫩豆腐,还有山药… 鸭血真的是好便宜呢? 一盒两块钱不到,而且好吃又营养



嫩豆腐我放冷冻室变成冻豆腐了,本来是想来煮火锅吃的,因为其他食材还没备齐~ 今天突发奇想把鸭血和冻豆腐一起炒了… 还临时加了山药,没想到的味道超级好吃~ 满满的一碗几乎被熊孩子一个人吃完了😅

本来我是打算山药炒黑木耳的,由于忘记放水中浸泡了… 可想后果严重了… 山药已经瞬间变黑山药了😂


首先鸭血和冻豆腐焯水后控干水分… 焯水之前水中放点食盐,这样豆腐做起来不容易碎… 再配切点小米辣/姜丝/蒜末以及香葱碎,热锅倒入适量食用油爆香小米辣/蒜末/姜丝

把冻豆腐和鸭血快速倒进去先烧一下,加入生抽/食盐适量… 烧两分钟后加入山药翻炒均匀,三种食材立即变得粘稠后加点开水继续翻炒一会儿… 加入胡椒粉和鸡精调味就好了,最后撒上葱花~ 很简单的美味瞬间坐享其成啊~呵^^

鸭血有滋阴补虚/清热止咳的作用,山药也有滋阴的功效,山药也是一直被视为物美价廉的“补”品呢… 虽然貌不惊人,但营养丰富,除含有多种维生素和矿物质外,山药还含有淀粉酶/多酚氧化酶等多种有益健康的成分~ 两者同食不仅有补阴养肺的作用,还可去除油腻呢

冻豆腐软而不烂… 山药清爽脆口~ 一道清香微辣的鸭血冻豆腐配山药分分钟空盘啦!看起来是不是很丰富啊~ 你说好吃不好吃咯~^^


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It's looking very delicious 😋

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you😊