Economic plan for Blurtchallenge | Plan económico para Blurtchallenge [ENG-ESP]

in blurtchallenge •  2 years ago 



Hey Challengers,

We are a few hours away from the formal start of the first week of challenges in #blurtchallenge, and we are already working to launch a solid and quality project, @megadrive declared that they will vote for the 5 best users of the week; @eastmael and @alejos7ven already delegated some BP; and also we have already installed the necessary tool that will allow us to build a healing team, we will give more details about this soon so stay tuned for future updates. Read about blurtseven.

In this post we will talk a little about the economic strategies that we will take to ensure the success of the project, because defining things well from the beginning will always make a difference. The initial objective of the project is to forge the curator account and for this, power down will be avoided as much as possible, in this way @blurtchallenge will be constantly growing and we will be able to offer better rewards every time.

Where will our liquid rewards come from?

  • Author rewards obtained through the publication of the different dynamics and reports published from the main account.
  • Rewards achieved through users who will be asked to set 10% of the rewards of each publication for @blurtchallenge, this point will not be mandatory, but we will consider giving larger votes to those who actively support the growth of the project.

Administrative Plan

The liquid rewards of the project will be used to give a weekly incentive to the curators, and to hold Blurt token in the account which will allow to cover commission expenses and serve to finance other activities later. Initially we will work with the following formula:

  • 50% rewards for curators incentive.
  • 50% rewards for holding.


Hey Challengers,

Estamos a pocas horas ya de el inicio formal de la primera semana de desafíos en #blurtchallenge, y nos encontramos ya trabajando para poner en marcha un proyecto sólido y de calidad, @megadrive declaró que votará a los 5 mejores usuarios de la semana; @eastmael y @alejos7ven delegaron ya algo de BP; y además ya hemos instalado la herramienta necesaria que nos permitirá construir un equipo de curación, pronto daremos mas detalles de esto así que mantente atento a futuras actualizaciones. Lee sobre blurtseven.

En este post hablaremos un poco sobre las estrategias económicas que tomaremos para asegurar el éxito del proyecto, y es que definir bien las cosas desde el momento inicial siempre marcará la diferencia. El objetivo inicial del proyecto es forjar la cuenta curadora y para ello se evitará al máximo hacer power down en la misma, de esta manera @blurtchallenge estará en constante crecimiento y cada vez podremos ofrecer mejores recompensas.

¿De donde vendrán nuestras recompensas liquidas?

  • Recompensas de autor conseguidas a través de la publicación de las distintas dinámicas y reportes publicadas desde la cuenta principal.
  • Recompensas conseguidas a través de los usuarios quienes se les solicitará establecer el 10% de las recompensas de cada publicación para @blurtchallenge, este punto no será obligatorio, pero consideraremos dar votos mas grandes a quienes apoyen activamente al crecimiento del proyecto.

Plan administrativo

Las recompensas líquidas del proyecto serán utilizadas para dar un incentivo semanal a los curadores, y para holdear token Blurt en la cuenta el cual permitirá cubrir gastos de comisiones y servirá para financiar otras actividades mas adelante. Inicialmente trabajaremos con la siguiente fórmula:

  • 50% recompensas para incentivo curadores.
  • 50% recompensas para holding.


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Hi, @blurtchallenge,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
Or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn a portion of the curation rewards!

Growth is in view as far as there is a way to cut down on powering down the account.

Since @blurtchallenge already has support from the whales, everything will go on nicely. Regards to everyone that supports this project.

Can't wait to see it add to the quality contents on Blurt

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Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

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