Transferring Blurt to Tribaldex

in blurtbuyback •  9 months ago 

We wants to send all our Blurt to Tribaldex and then use it all to buy more crypto in a DCA fashion. The worst problem of transferring Blurt to Tribaldex is that it takes a damn lot of time and it puts us off because we busy people.

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Now coming back to the transfer we are starting our buying crypto again and this time we will be not buying too many tokens.

See our Blurt wallet


We hold $25 worth of Blurt and Blurt Power which is around 8,963 BLURT and 178 BLURT.

We will be using it to sell everyday and publish reports to tell our supporters here.

Now we transfer Blurt to Tribaldex. We will move 8,000 Blurt and keep 963 Blurt in our account for transaction fees. It will be good if we transfer all the tokens at once it will be fast and quick.


This is our portfolio. We were not active but yet our portfolio was making us money.


We use this details to send Blurt to Tribaldex.


We sent it and now this is how our portfolio looks like.


It usually takes 5 to 30 minutes for the transfer to complete so we wait.

We have 10 Blurt in our Tribaldex wallet from pool rewards.

Meanwhile we watch video to learn knowledge.


We recieved 7940 Blurt after sending 8000 Blurt. We will use this to buy more tokens.

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Omg wow. That was amazing.

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