in blurtbusiness •  4 years ago 

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Staying positive in the face of challenges can be achieved through learning and training of the mind. Challenges must come, but what an entrepreneur makes out of the challenges is what determines the future of such business. A positively minded entrepreneur would always make the best out of every challenge he faces.

1 Express gratitude.

2 Repeat positive affirmations.

3 Challenge negative thoughts.


1 Express gratitude.

Gratitude is very essential for business growth. In everything, an entrepreneur should learn to see something good at the end, thus, expressing gratitude for every stage of processes. Gratitude has a way of motivating and energizing employees and others to zealously put in their best to achieve the desired result. Now matter how the going turns out, gratitude for even the very little success can bring about a huge success, and as such shouldn't be rolled out. However, to see reasons for gratitude, do well to store up positive occurrences and reflect on them. Make a list of successes you've recorded and express gratitude for them, while staying optimistic for yet to be accomplished mile stones.

2 Repeat positive affirmations.

The more positive confessions you make, the more positive you'll become in your dealings. It has been tested and proven that what you hear often has a way of sticking into your brain and can affect your actions. By repeating positive affirmations with conviction several times daily, you are training your brain to believe them, and as such they would definitely affect the results of what you do.

Affirmations like 'I'm well able to find it', 'I'm getting better daily' and the likes should be your daily confessions. The repetition will influence the way you interpret negative events, making you more resilient.

3 Challenge negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts would always come. In fact, it's part of success. Without negative thoughts resulting from fear out the future, an entrepreneur may not be able to make a concrete decision on what to do. He may not research well to know how true the juicy deal he heard of is. However, the problem arises when negative thoughts dominates the mind of an entrepreneur, thus causing procrastination, fear and distributions.

Do not give room for negative thoughts to thrive. Be confident and believe in your instinct. Where there is a will, there is always a way.

Thanks for reading!

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