in blurtbooster •  2 years ago 



The fact that you’re suffering now doesn’t in anyway provide a guarantee that you’ll be successful tomorrow.

I once met a man who complained bitterly about his present situation. He concluded narrating his ordeals by informing me that he’d be successful one day, forget all his pains and give testimonies to listening ears.

When I examined his present life, I didn’t see the possibility of him leaving his present stage ever. He made no efforts to leave.

A good number of people are cajoled to thinking that ‘the reward for suffering is success.’ Cut that crap. It’s not certain. There are people who have suffered and died suffering.

Your story could be different anyways.

Success requires hard work. Your story today could swiftly change tomorrow only and only if you bend down and work hard today. Sitting and waiting for the heavens to rain down signs and miracles won’t help you. You just need to be up and doing in order to tell the testimony tomorrow.

To fall is normal. What happens after you fall tells a lot about who you are.

Wake up!!!
This piece has also been posted on Serey by me.

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Very true, most people need to change their mindset.

A positive mindset isn’t just enough. Making ways to achieve our dreams is everything. If we do not make efforts, our ideas would never materialize.