in blurtbooster •  2 years ago 


There’s this very famous story about a woman, her child and a dog. Permit me to say it one more time.

This woman always left her child in the house under the watch of a dog. The dog served as a companion and a guard.

One day, she returned and met the dog outside. It’s mouth stained with blood. Without a second thought, she hit the dog with a stick and killed it- thinking it had eaten her baby.

On entering the house, there, lay her child, sleeping and a snake, dead; Obviously, killed by the dog.

A good number of humans are inpatient. Thus, they do not take time in researches and questioning. They judge at and by the very first instance. They are quick to act and slow to investigate. As a result, they often draw conclusions from mere speculations.

They judge books by their covers.

Of a few occasions, they act rightly. On a good number of days, they act foolishly and cause havocs, damages and chaos.

The woman in the story without going in to check on her baby concluded the dog had killed him/her- perhaps because she saw the dog smeared with blood. Sue hurriedly killed the dog and later discovered she had made an error.

A good number of people or things aren’t really what they appear to be or represent. The physical appearances of some people are very deceptive. If we judge them by such, we’d be making assumptions and arriving at wrong thoughts.

We must learn to properly investigate people or things before drawing conclusions.

We must not make hasty conclusions about people or things because of physical appearances and outward looks.

We must not judge books by their covers.

This piece has also been posted on Serey by me.

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