The cry of a helpless mother, complaining of the child's disrespect and neglect.

in blurtbooster •  3 months ago 
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello My dear friends, I hope everyone is well? Alhamdulillah! I am also well with your prayers and love।

Cover photo edit by inshot

Human life goes through a state of stability and instability.While some people's lives are full of happiness and ease, some people's lives are full of hardships.Some can raise their children and live happily and peacefully, while for some, many sorrows are far away and the shadow of sadness descends.Although the words are bitter, there are many boys who forget their own mothers after getting married.Cases often occur where a mother loses her husband at a young age and tries to survive by clinging to 2-3 children.For me, that child forgets its mother and pushes it away.
I have seen some beggars in my area who are victims of such situation.There have been incidents like beating one's own mother but it is also tortured by children, grandchildren and people around.In our area, I saw a man near my house who had to earn his living by begging despite the fact that he was the grandson of a son.

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Such a thing is very shameful, not only that but he has made his grandchildren so big by begging and they are against him today.A few days ago I saw the boy beating his mother and the grandson beating his grandmother.His style of killing is very bad and he runs around the area and hides somewhere and beats him out like ten.Yesterday I asked her if she only cries and sometimes curses her children profusely.The form of the curse is "Allah will judge him as he has done to me".The wretched child may not know that the mother's prayers to the Lord are never in vain, so they remain silent.

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With the passage of time, the children have grown up, so the mother is now neglected by the children.But there was a time when this mother was their only hope.He can oppress not only himself but also his neighbours.How low the society has reached today, maybe the world is on the verge of destruction, so such awkward activities are gradually reflected in everyone.

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I have seen that even after the woman said so much, when the grandson is in danger, he immediately runs to him.And he told me that his grandson needed a motorcycle and he would buy it even if he begged but sadly the adoring children and grandson could not understand what he was looking at.I hope every neglected parent around you will stand by them and fight for their rights.


Thanks to the management of this community for sharing such a contest.Because from here I could gain different knowledge.

Thank you very much everyone

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