Iguana with Electric Plates

in blurtbooster •  2 years ago 

Iguana with Electric Plates.jpg

I constantly keep creating and publishing new NFTs, I like to launch different pieces to the market than those that are commonly found, I always try to be as original as I can and I seek to present aesthetic concepts to people that other artists have not presented to them before.

In the past I focused purely on photography, I was interested in framing fragments of reality in my images to share with the world what interested me. Nowadays my work is focused on the Visual Arts, and although I continue to take photographs to use as the base canvas for my works, I am no longer interested in purely capturing reality, but I like to preserve only part of it in my images.

This time I want to introduce you to Iguana with Electric Plates, my new piece of art coined at @nftshowroom. Those who already know me know that I like to capture things or beings from reality using my camera, however my mind is like a filter that lets part of it pass. of that reality and adds unreal elements.

These elements are reflected in my work using applications such as Photoshop; I use this app to add digital elements that were not included in the photograph and I also take advantage of the benefits of Photoshop to apply filters and adjustments that help me improve the visual impact of the image and highlight its textures.

This work opens my new "Neon Nature" Collection, where I am going to present works exclusively dedicated to plants and animals, using this same neon artistic style where we can appreciate attractive psychedelic and phosphorescent colors, which present a powerful glow that summons the viewer to look the work.

The main idea that motivates me to create this collection and these images is to invite everyone to pay more attention to the most valuable treasures of this world; which are precisely its biological resources, plants and animals. This collection carries a clear message of conservation and love for nature, and is also a reminder that these beings create balance in the different ecosystems that exist, and this balance is what allows our world to be habitable.

To start I decided to start with an iguana because it is my favorite reptile, and also in my country (Venezuela) they are still highly attacked animals by ignorant and unconscious people; some hunt them for their belly (the females) and consume their eggs, others simply kill them for fun, pleasure or fear.

I love this reptile because its shape seems beautiful to me and unlike other reptiles such as snakes, iguanas are harmless and do not deserve to be attacked or tortured to death. I believe that one of the essential functions of art is to sensitize human beings and give them humanity, so I want to show people the beauty that I see in this wonderful animal and convey all my good feelings towards these creatures.

This has been one of the most complex works I have done because it took longer than with other works I have done, in fact this work actually had a first version, but it did not satisfy me; When creating it I felt that something was missing and that is why I decided to add several empty layers to paint each of the iguana scale plates on them. This was the first version:

Iguana with Electric Plates (without glow).jpg

In the past I did some similar works and that's why I wanted this one to be very different. The brightness of the plates was achieved by applying luminosity to each of the layers that correspond to each color, I left some plates unlit to give them a little contrast, which for me is very important, since I love contrast. Again I present the finished work so you can compare it with the first version:

Iguana with Electric Plates.jpg

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