Harry Pottery And Prisoner Of Azkaban - Book Review

in blurtbooster •  2 years ago 



Well it looks like I finished yet another book in the Harry Potter series within 10 days Yayyy Me!!!! 😂 This book had about a 100 pages more from the previous instalment which is Chamber Of Secrets. I even saw the movie post reading the book to get some facts sorted out for my review.


Here's My Copy Of The Book
It's A 20th Anniversary Ravenclaw Edition Hardcover

As usual the book started with Harry living at the Dursleys for the summer which he always dreaded and this time they happened to have a house guest which was Aunt Marge and well she just hated the very sight of Harry Potter and the feeling was pretty mutual for Harry as well, he loathed her. She always used to pick on Harry for no reason.

One day during dinner Aunt Marge took it a step far an insulted Harry's dad James and went on to insinuate that he was drunk when they dies in the car crash which never really happened. Well Harry was obviously pissed at this and he performed the magic and inflated her like a balloon almost close to exploding (This Particular Scene Was Just Hilarious, The Bitch Deserved It 😂)

We also have two new amazing characters joining in on this series of Harry Potter

Harry now decides to runs away as he fears expulsion from Hogwarts for his use of magic outside off Hogwarts for the 2nd time now and at the same moment Sirius Black happens escapes from Azkaban Prison and Harry goes on to find out that Black seeks to kill him for his part in foiling Voldemort's evil plans.


Character 1: Sirius Black - He is portrayed as a villain at first who was sent to Azkaban for life for the supposed murder of 12 muggles. Being best friends with James & Lilly Potter got him to be named Harrys Godfather as well. Oh and he's also the first person ever to escape Azkaban.

Harry despises Sirius as he was led to believe by almost everyone that Black betrayed the Potters giving up their location to Lord Voldemort resulting in the death of the Potters. Harry later on goes to find out the truth and the relation between Sirius, his father and himself and the bond between Sirius & Harry grows astronomically.


Character 2: Remus Lupin - Newly appointed professor for Defence Against The Dark Arts (Every Year Someone New Comes In For This Position 😂) This guy has been by far the best professor they’ve had in this subject as well. Lupin also happens to be a werwolf which was pretty cool and no one except Dumbledore knew that Lupin was a werwolf and towards the end of the book pretty much everyone got to know about his condition and he had to leave the school which really disappointed a lot of students as he was the best Defence Against The Dark Arts professor they had in the last 3 years.



Also Hagrid gets to teach this year and is assigned the subject Care Of Magical Creatures and in Malfoy fucked up in his class on day 1 and got bitten by a Hippogriff named Buckbeak which is a half eagle half horse creature. This incident had a lot off repercussion as Malfoy faked being seriously injured, well he was injured but it wasn’t serious. The matter got so bad that the Malfoy's father, Lucius insisted that the Hippogriff be put to death. He had a great influence in the Ministry of Magic and a they came to a verdict for the execution to be carried out.


Book V/S Movie

  • In the book Harry asks the Minister Of Magic CorCornelius Fudge to sign his Hogsmead Permission Slip as he couldn’t get it done from the Dursley’s, This never happens in the movie.

  • Harry watches a news segment about Black at the Dursley's telling them to keep a lookout for this escaped criminal in the book but in the movie the first time Sirius Black comes into picture is in the night bus when he sees an article of Sirius on the news paper being read by the conductor.

  • Harry gets his copy of the Monster book of monsters by owl post from Hagrid, along with the newspaper clipping of the Weasleys holidaying in Egypt as a result of Mr. Weasley winning the daily prophet grand prize galleon draw, birthday cards and the sneakoscope from Ron. Later on, he is free to roam Diagon Alley to get the rest of his books etc and he spends almost a week staying at the Leaky Cauldron. In the movie, it is Fudge at the Leaky Cauldron who has organised his book list and he spends just a day or two staying at the Leaky cauldron.

  • Hagrid brings about a dozen Hippogriffs to his first class in the book, but in the movie he gets only Buckbeak.

  • In the book Professor Trelawney makes a real prediction at the end of Harrys divination finals but in the movie she makes her real prediction when Harry returns the Crystal Ball back to her.

  • Harry selects the memory of him finding out he was a wizard and knowing that he would finally be free of the Dursleys as a happy memory required to perform the Patronus Charm and he is eventually successful in performing the Patronus after several tries in the book, but in the movie he uses some made up memory of his parents talking to him and is successful in casting the Patronus in his second attempt.


  • In the book Harry receives a Firebolt which happens to be the fastest flying broom in the world within a few chapters from the start and Hermione has her suspicions about her and mentions it to Professor McGonagall and only towards the end of the book he gets to know that it was from Sirius Black his Godfather. In the movie he receives the Firebolt at the utmost end of the movie with a feather from the Hippogriff Buckbeak letting him know that Sirius had sent it.

  • The film leaves out a lot of backstory regarding the Marauders. Theres nothing explained about the Shrieking Shack and Whomping Willow which were first used so that Lupin had a safe place to go when he transformed into a werewolf during the night of the full moon. No explanation was given off how James, Sirius, and Peter learned to be Animagi so they could safely be with and support Lupin when he transformed into a werewolf.

  • The Marauder's Map was created by Remus Lupin (Moony), Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail), Sirius Black (Padfoot), and James Potter (Prongs)

phew finally done with this review and further review of the series starting from Goblet Of Fire will take quite a bit of time as those are massive books 🥲 it's about 200-250 pages more from the Prisoner Of Azkaban.

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I see you are a big fan of this series. Haha. As if reading the book was not enough, you even went ahead to see the movie. What should I say about this love for the series? It's adorable!

Thank you dear for appreciating.

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