Today I have some photographs and a video and some valuable words.

in blurtboostar •  last year 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Hello friends how are you all? I hope the mercy of the creator is very good, I am also very well by the mercy of the creator, I am healthy. Today I share with you some of my photographs which I took inside our class room. I used to share my photos almost daily now I share something else sometimes and most of the time I share my photos.



Dear friends, the day passes, the night comes again, the night passes, the day comes, this is how the life of our life is ending, the time called Hayat is running out of our life. You can forgive us by mercy and you can arrest us if you want, but those things which are due to Allah, may be forgiven if Allah wishes, and those which are due to the servant, Allah will not forgive, but the servant should seek forgiveness from the servant, then Allah will forgive, otherwise Allah will forgive. no


On the way of life, we hurt each other. On the way of life, we often do many haram things. May Allah protect us first of all from these. May Allah make my path easy for me too, I study in madrasa, daily we are taught in madrasa, what books are given to us every day, there are seven books and one khariji is divided into one book. We have to do eight classes from morning till night Isha prayer.



The first hour of our class is called Tafseer Baizabi Tafseer Bhai Sharif taught by one of our masters. After that breakfast break and some sleep break is given and then the main hours start from nine o'clock. Four hours are completed from 9 am to twelve o'clock and there is a break at twelve o'clock, including bathing, eating, drinking, and prayers. After the Asr prayer, there is a break for walking until Maghrib, then the Maghrib prayer is offered in congregation, and it is an hour until the Isha prayer, which is a total of nine hours.

After Isha prayer, we have to read until 10:30 or 11:30. After that, we have to sleep until Fajr prayer. When the Fajr prayer is called, we have to wake up and go to the mosque to pray Fajr prayer. We wake up and pray Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah thousands of thanks Alhamdulillah.
As of today, everyone who has finished so far will be well, be healthy, and wish everyone good health.

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