Are you satisfied with your writing skills? I'm not! Whenever I write something, I feel that there's a better to say it but I don't know-how. It's a lack of knowledge that's messing with me. In order to change that, I'm using Thesaurus to learn a new word every day.
The Word Today - Blab
Blab is a synonym for the word Blurt. Here are more synonyms if you want.°
Blab in a sentence:
"It is so easy not to blab when one has nothing to tell," said Jekyl, smiling. - taken from Thesaurus.
So blab is basically blurt, meaning saying something without thinking. Just like I'm writing these posts. Whatever comes to my mind goes to my Blurt profile. If it pays - I'm really happy. If not - I'm still learning and putting in hours writing so I'm taking the experience.
You must always look at things from different perspectives. Even if blurting doesn't give you cash that you can spend whatever you like (although it gives), you must take whatever you get. The experience you get when you're creating something can't be traded for anything. It's how you grow. It's how you learn. And in the end - evolve.
Thank you for reading! Have a beautiful day ahead!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
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Hi, very nice post
I am never happy with what I have written, I always with I had more time to rephrase it (English is not my native language)
Your posts are awesome, keep up the great work ;)