in blurtblock •  2 years ago 

Hello dear readers and writers of Blurt I want to share with you a beautiful story where the love of children and art go together in the same sentence.

Five-year-old Alejandro had drawn an entire wall in his house, the abstract drawing was a gift for his father who had been away for several days on a business trip.

When his father returned, he found Alejandro scratching the wall. Upon observing this, his father decided not to scold him, on the contrary, he decided to explain to him out of love that he loved his drawings and told him that he would give him a special notebook for drawing in which he could draw whatever he wanted.

She told him that she would leave him that gift as a souvenir and that every time he had to go out, he could draw a picture and send it to her or wait for her to come back and give it to him to frame and put it in his office.

He told her that he was proud of her talent and skill, but that next time she should do it in the notebook and not on the wall because it would be hard for her to take it with her and it would have to be cleaned up afterwards.

He was very grateful for the gift, and they both hugged! ❤

It's up to you to decide how you want your little ones to remember you.

What do you want to achieve?

Fear or respect?

Decide to build, decide to teach from love.

Walls can always be repainted

If you have reached this point thank you very much I hope to see you again in future posts.




Hola queridos lectores y escritores de Blurt os quiero compartir con ustedes una linda historia donde el amor a los niños y el arte van conjugados en la misma frase.

Alejandro de cinco años había dibujado toda una pared en su casa, el abstracto dibujo era un regalo para su padre que llevaba varios días de viaje por trabajo.

Al regresar el padre, encontró a Alejandro rayando la pared. Al observar esto, su padre decidió no regañarlo, al contrario, decidió explicarle desde el amor que amaba sus dibujos y le dijo que le regalaría un cuaderno especial para dibujar en donde él podría dibujar todo lo que quisiera.

Le dijo que le dejaría ese regalo como un recuerdo y que cada vez que él tuviera que salir, le podría hacer un dibujo y mandárselo o esperar a que regresara y dárselo para enmarcarlo y ponerlo en su oficina.

Le dijo que estaba orgulloso de su talento y de su destreza, pero que la próxima vez lo hiciera en el cuaderno y no en la pared porque iba a ser difícil que lo llevara consigo y habría que limpiarlo después.

Agradeció mucho el regalo, ¡y ambos se abrazaron! ❤

Eres tú quien decide cómo quieres que te recuerden tus peques.

¿Qué quieres lograr?

¿Miedo o respeto?

Decide construir, decide enseñar desde el amor.

Las paredes siempre se pueden volver a pintar

Si has llegado a este punto muchísimas gracias espero volver a vernos en próximos post.

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