Strange friendship

in blurtbirds •  last year 

In fact, it must be said that kites and corvids are not friends. But in this case, these two disabled birds don't mind each other's presence. Any company! They eat together, walk around the aviary together. Life isn't so bad if you have friends. Even if you lost one wing.These birds, a kite and a corvid, have found solace in each other's company despite the typical animosity that exists between their species. It is a remarkable sight to witness their unlikely friendship unfold within the confines of their shared aviary.

Both birds have experienced the hardships of being disabled. Yet, rather than allowing their disabilities to define them, they have found strength and comfort in one another. They have chosen to embrace their circumstances and adapt to their new way of life.

Their daily routine consists of shared meals, where they peck at their food side by side, seemingly oblivious to their differences. The kite and corvid have formed a bond that goes beyond their physical limitations, transcending the boundaries that typically separate their species.

As they stroll through the aviary together, one can't help but marvel at the resilience and determination displayed by these birds. Their wings may be broken, but their spirits remain unbroken. They navigate their surroundings with a sense of purpose, supporting each other through every step of their journey.

Their friendship serves as a poignant reminder that life's challenges can be overcome with the support of those around us. Despite their inability to fly freely in the sky, they have found a different kind of freedom in the companionship they provide to one another.






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