Pursuit of dreams

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

The most wonderful statement about dream, so far seems to me, is the famous quote from APJ Abdul Kalam:

Dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.

Dreams always remain at a level little bit higher than the reality. If you look at the dreams you have to look up, but we follow walking straight. A walk looking upward is bizarre, even risky.
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I am not discouraging you to dream. You have to minimise the gap between dream and reality.

The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

Let dream before starting your journey, clear your vision, set your goal, then have a walk looking forward. Yes, not upward.

If one keep the goal in mind all the time, frustration will arise repeatedly. He become tesnsed, why the road is so long? Then he looks for the shortcut way to success. You may hear the famous song of Nachiketa-

No shortcut way
Don't excuse too
You have only to do..

And it was Icarus, the methodological tragedy, who looked upward despite his father's prohibition, his wings were fluttering on the horizon.
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He flew so high that the wings of wax melted away with sun's heat and he tumbled out of the sky, fell down into the deep sea.

The recent motivational speakers talk a lot about dreams, but never point out this issue. They inspire people to dream, but it doesn't make sense to pay as much attention to the dream than trajectory during the journey, which leads to the problems like Icarus.

Realistic dreams should be calculative. It's a simple mathematics. It must equalize to the summation of objectives and goals that you have.

While mentioning about the realistic dreams, it reminds me the tale about a half-lunatic person. He announced everywhere about his marriage ceremony with the princess. He claimed it to be half-done.

Militants arrested him and took to the imperial court. Irritated voice of the king asked, Why did you announce such?

His inocent reply, It's half-done as the groom consent to marry. Now waiting for the rest-part, consent of yours.

The king became confused either he should be infuriated or would laugh.
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So never assume your work half-done like this lunatic. You should have proper attention at your objectives and goals. It will reach your dream, your vision- the ultimate destination. Otherwise you must be arrested by the reality.

If target remains solid
Faith remains in the heart
Must do, we must do
In the victory, will meet with you.


About Me:

"I am an engineer by graduation
a teacher by occupation
& a writer by passion"

        I believe, Life is beautiful!

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