Instant release from mental pressure

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

We, different times, feel mental pressure due to a lot of problems in our professional life, family life, personal life, social life and so on.

This pressure may create a lot of problems both physical and mental. Researcher says that who have a lot of mental pressures, they are tending more in hypertension, high pressure, heart disease, stroke risk etc.

So it is not a good way to be anger rather than handling any situation, but you may claim that how can we control our anger? It is created not by our own drive rather than spontaneously arising problem.

I agree with you, but there are some tricks you may apply to control your emotions and anger. Here I am going to share a very effective technique that will give you instant release from mental pressure, tension and anger.



Whenever we lose control on our emotion, that time we do something wrong like shouting or attack anybody. So the first thing should you have to take control of your emotion.

It's like driving of a car. If you lose the control over the car, then it must do any accident. So whenever you are on the driving seat of a car, you have to be attentive perfectly on driving. That is the keypoint to become a good driver.


Your body and mind is also like a car. You have to be attentive about driving your emotions like a good driver of a car. And if you fail to keep attention for a single moment it may cause dangerous accident.

How can one control his emotion and take control over his mind, that I will discuss today.


This is a five step technique. It is very easy to apply and take very few time to take control of your mind.

But the point is, you have to do this accordingly. Sometimes we know many theories but don't applied that things as we consider that we know the inner secret of that theory. So why should we do it.

But the matter is, if you know the formula of a medicine, it is not enough to be cured. If you want to be cured from any disease, you have to take the medicine on perfect time in perfect quantity.

Same way if you know the inner secret of any theory it doesn't mean that you may be cured by that theory if you don't apply it perfectly. So let have the steps to be taken for controlling on mind.


Step 1 : Sit down


When anyone remain on standing position and become anger or excited anyhow, then he has to do the first step is, sit down instantly at the place where now he is.

When we sit down, it is very perfect for be attentive about our body, because in sitting position you have more control than a standing position.


Step 2 : Countdown


You need to change your focus from the problem or factor that have created anger or excitement on your mind. So it is a very effective method to countdown by closing your eyes.

After sitting, you have to close your eyes and count down from 10 to 1 and it would be very slowly.

You will countdown every numbers separately with separate breathing.


Step 3 : Deep breathing


After completing countdown, on that time though you have completed that thing as per single breathing for each digits, but you have to take 5 deep breathing.

You have to put your hand on the chest. And then insert the fresh air by extending your chest with full of oxygen and wait for a moment. Then emit carbon-dioxide slowly with relaxation.

Do these task consequently. Your body and mind will be relaxed.


Step 4 : Auto suggestion


Now you will speak with your mind. It is one kind of commanding option from brain to your mind.

Our body and mind is like the soldiers of a team and our brain is the commander. Sometimes our brain should give some effective command to his soldiers for proper control.

You will order your soldier it's that situation is now on your control and you will not lose your temper and be cool.


Step 5 : Now React


After doing the four-steps properly, then you will stand up again and feel coolness in your mind. Then you have to deliver your expression in a perfect manner.

You will keep in mind that time you are the coolest person of the world and your have a good option as be reactive or be proactive, you will choose the second option as you are a pragmatic and wise person.

About Me:

"I am an engineer by graduation
a teacher by occupation
& a writer by passion"

        I believe, Life is beautiful!

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