Superior design is not a sport of restriction.

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Higher intentions are not the dream of gambling.

The highest intentions are not made by others; it starts with you.

The moment someone is living in his higher reason, his whole method of being advances. We are fully alive and animated. Not only do we feel satisfied, we feel contented, loaded with possible results, dejected, and with a peaceful creative spirit in the past. By the time we don't experience our higher ground, we will generally feel insecure and reluctant to make our own choices and inner duality. We potentially wallow or invest a lot of time and energy in our results or limited results to validate how we feel rather than appreciating life and the wholeness that life has to bring.


Achieving your higher purpose is not about results or "doing", but about the side effects of living with a higher reason. Superior design is about who we should be. The first step in coming to life with a higher reason is identification.

Here is a worksheet to help you understand. Remember, superior design isn't what you think it is. This is not meant to be studied. To avoid the head with your answers, it's all about impulse, soul language, and heart. Look for any redundant words, tags, or thoughts that appear in your responses:

1. What fantasies or contemplations are incomprehensible to you?

Go as far as you can with this question ... even to young people. Before discovering that what you have imagined and "felt" what you or yourself have done can be seen as irrational beyond the point of not returning or not returning at all. The breaking point of the sky here.

2. What has always been your heart's deepest desire?

Look here as closely as you can - maybe no one thought this to you, or maybe you watched it or fought for it.


3. What usually comes from you?

For example: what did you not expect to read? Under what new circumstances did you instinctively realize what had to be done or what was required? The highest level will seem general and appropriate.

4. What mixes your interests?

Consider the strength of energy, such as a "fiery" or glamorous trend. Notice the energy looks from many angles, from indignation: "War is madness" to appreciate: "I like to find the development of individuals".

5. What kind of "equipment" do you end up collecting?

What kinds of people, books, instructions, toys, or encounters do you surround yourself with?

6. When do you expect to be on a “mission”?

When do you focus and do something, no matter how difficult it is? Maybe a "phone call".

7. What does the development of effective people find in you?

If they are arguing about where they see you going, what do they see you are and what are you getting? Those who have followed a path comparable to yours can see where you are going before you. If you are not sure what they are seeing and their senses, ask them!


8. What results do you get when you are "on top of your game"?

Could it be what you brought to the table or offered that people were looking for you?

9. Where does your soul take you?

This is where you are looking for what probably won't be the obvious look.

Suspicion, intuition, and encounter with all the useful random events that occur in your life.

10. What would you like to collect and help the people around you?

Superior design is not a sport of restriction. Other people with a similar or related reason will gather around you to help you. What do you say? Is it true that you are fighting a numbers game? Would you say that if a large part of your support group said that you are president, or would you say that you fight them and say that they have largely run out of weed, would you tolerate and choose a space?

A confident person enjoys the journey, the people they meet along the way, and sees life not as a competition. They reach the summit last because they know God isn’t at the top waiting for them. He is down below helping his followers to understand that the view is glorious where ever you stand.
― Shannon Alder


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