Fear of Failure = Downfall

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

The phoenix must burn to emerge. - Janet Fitch

For some reason, I feel silent about the fact that I love it when I hear that people are trying to play the "victim art" in life, apparently the reason for their failure or weakness to overcome their challenges that comes with every passing day.


I am determined not to let life fall on me as I spend my time looking for reasons I can give at any time for my inadequacies, weaknesses, failures, or carefreeness.

You might ask: Why? That's why; there is no seemingly impossible challenge or situation thrown at me, which is mine. It may sound like that, but if I accept this lie, it will be my greatest ruin. At a time when we are beginning to feel that our problems are ours and that we are the only people who have had such a challenge, we have hinted unconsciously or consciously in the corner where the myth of impossibility reigns as a reign.


It is human nature that wants to be defensive, in this case looking for excuses for our weaknesses, if "the sign is missing" in all the efforts in which we are drawn. At this point, success is in front of the average person. Because success is convinced that life owes him nothing or, above all, an excuse for his difficulties and because he recognizes this truth, he does not impose "mercy". He dusts himself off and learns from his mistakes how and why they failed in the first place.

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. - Denis Waitley


I know you're wondering exactly what my point is? I try to wake you up so that you never get an apology or feel comfortable with your average life (whatever it means to you) due to the number of times you haven't been able to try new things in the past. The danger of feeling comfortable with an excuse is that it will become your graveyard. Because at this point in life you died in motivation, and life is contaminated to stay in a short time, stress settles easily and suicidal thoughts become an escape option.

You just have to be solved through life to conquer it. I repeat, LIFE OWES IS NOT the air you breathe. You live like this and you will never be saved too long.

Failed? So get up and stop apologizing or playing the victim's card in life, because you're against life in the end.


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