The responsibility of creating a new nation is to the young community today.

in blurtbd •  3 years ago 

There is childhood, youth, old age and old age in human life, all these conditions are gradually seen in the national life as well. People die and after death a new body is formed. That nation also dies and gains new life through death. But the difference between an individual and a nation is that not all nations survive after death. A nation that ceases to exist, a nation that has run out of resources nation disappears from the face of the earth or continues to live like an insect, and has no trace of its existence outside the pages of history.

Even if the human body merges in the Panchabhu, the living soul never dies. Even though he fell to his death, the spirit of education, initiation and civilization of the nation is his soul; When the creative power of the nation is extinct, it must be understood that the nation is dying. Eating, sleeping and procreation then became his agenda and following the traditional approach was his only policy. Even in this state, some nations survive again, if their existence is successful. When the Dark Ages come and consume the nation, it somehow keeps alive its own stream of education, initiation and civilization, not merging with other nations to become ghosts. Then the new awakening is seen again at the behest of destiny or the Creator. The darkness is gradually removed; The dormant nation opens its eyes again; His creative power returns. Like the Sahasradal Padma, the lifeblood of the nation re-emerged and manifested itself in new forms, new ways and new ways. Through so many deaths and awakenings, Bengal has come to the nation, because Bengal has a mission, —the ancient Bengali civilization has a purpose which has not been achieved even today.

As I spent months and months in exile, the question that often came to my mind was: "Why, in what stimulus, are we becoming stronger without being overwhelmed by the pressures of imprisonment?" The answer I got in my heart was this: - “Bengal has a mission, a glorious future; We are the future Bengali heirs. We are composing and will compose the history of the liberation of New Bengal. Because of this belief, we can endure all suffering, ignore the dark present, and crush the cruel truths of reality with the hard blow of the ideal. The young power of Bengal is dying because of this unwavering faith. ”

The person who has this "respect," this self-confidence is the one who is creative, the one who is entitled to serve the country. All the great efforts in the world are just a reflection of the self-confidence and creativity of the human heart. What can a person who does not believe in himself and the nation create?

The Bengali has many faults, but the Bengali has a quality so that many of his faults are covered and he is considered a man in the world today. The Bengali has self-confidence, the Bengali has the instinct and the imagination .so the Bengali can imagine the great ideal by ignoring all the flaws, disabilities, failures of the present real life he can sink into the meditation of that ideal and try to achieve what is seemingly impossible. Because of this imagination and self-confidence, so many saints have been born in Bangladesh and will continue to be born. For this reason, the spine of Bengalis will never break under the pressure of sorrow and oppression. A nation that has idealism (ideal-love) can gladly accept the pain of establishing its ideal.

Many people think that there is only pain in suffering, but this is not true. There is as much suffering in suffering as there is in infinity. For those who do not have this joy, suffering is only suffering; The man is overwhelmed with grief. But the person who has tasted an indescribable joy in the midst of sorrow suffering suffering in his work is a thing of glory, he does not die under the pressure of sorrow and becomes more powerful and majestic. Now the question is: "Where is the source of happiness?" What is the origin of the lightning that strikes in the frequent Amanisha? ” I think this happiness originates from idealism. For a person who suffers because of selfless love for a great ideal, grief is not meaningless. Sorrow is transformed into joy, and that joy is like nectar in his veins. Only he who can surrender at the feet of the ideal can understand the meaning of life and find the underlying juice of life.
We still have a lot of trouble in our foreheads; Many of our blood will still flow in the crushing of the greedy and the oppressors. However, if I had to suffer all the hardships and donate all my blood to get the truth that was throbbing in my heart, heart and bones, I would still understand that I got such a great fortune at such a low price! Today I am rich like a star shining with gold! So I will endure all the pains and sufferings, I will pull all the sorrows into my chest, because no earthly thing can hold back the joy I have found in my heart! This joy is the source of eternal energy!

The blue throat is the ideal that a person can say the source of happiness has opened up in me, so I can pull all the sorrows of the world into my chest; The person who can say — I am carrying all the pain and suffering in my head, because through it I have found the truth — that person is perfect in sadhana. We have to be perfect in this sadhana today. Those who want to create a new India have to go through it only they have to go through it all their lives they have to become poor by giving themselves away without asking for anything in return. Life is given by giving life in the end Must be thirsty. Those who will be such devotees will have only wealth of self-confidence, idealism and joy.

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