Plagiarism ❗ Please stop it-Let's Discuss

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

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When you, me or we copy or steal someone else's writing and present it in our own name, it is basically called plagiarism. If I, you or we have not yet published a book written by an author in the market, now if we steal the writing of that author and publish a book in our own name, then it will be plagiarism. This time let's get acquainted with the word plagiarism.
Since I or you are familiar with the word plagiarism, it is very important to know about it. Basically, the word plagiarism is Latin. The word plagiarism means to kidnap. Here, kidnapping means data theft. Don't think of kidnapping people again. People are abducted without any reason but here in the data it is revealed in their own name.
If you read a good quality article of a person and after reading it you copy it and post it on your Facebook ID and say you wrote here you should have given credit to that person like copy by name of that person you did not give this credit you plagiarized Did. This implies that plagiarism is the use of one's actions without credit or recognition.

There are many types of plagiarism. Its middle common
Plagiarism is:

Direct Plagiarism :

  • Exactly publishing someone's writing or work in one's own name, without mentioning the correct source.

Self / Auto Plagiarism :

  • Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her previous work or mixes parts of previous work without the permission of the respective professors / teachers.

Mosaic Plagiarism

  • Mosaic plagiarism occurs when one uses work / writing directly from a source without using quotation marks, or uses the same general structure by using synonyms to cut / omit words from phrases while maintaining the same general structure. Sometimes called "patch writing", this type of work is academically dishonest and punishable, whether intentional or not.

Accidental Plagiarism

  • Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources or incorrectly identifies their source or unintentionally translates the same word, group of words or syntax without mentioning / acknowledging any formula. Students must cite their sources and take careful and accurate notes while conducting research.

Harmful effects of plagiarism

Plagiarism is basically a harmful tendency. Through this one harms oneself and the society. The problems that may arise as a result are-

Plagiarism can destroy human creativity. Every human being has some or the other creative element. The practice of plagiarism does not develop human creativity.

As a result of practicing plagiarism, one's worthiness cannot be properly verified. Cut-copy-paste someone else's writing so that it is not possible to gradually create new ideas on your own.

Through plagiarism one actually deceives oneself. Excessive dependence on others increases as one's own thoughts do not manifest.

Plagiarism is a crime that gradually harms itself as well as society. It falls under the category of social crime.

Failure to mention his name even after using the resources of others undermines the original work of the author or creator, which in no way falls into the category of morality.

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