Amazement of winter Fog on green leaves.

in blurtbd •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hi everyone good morning its me niloy84 Winter has started. So I tried to write something about winter.


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The sun is not in the sky. All around wrapped in fog. Nature has curls in winter. The green leaves of the tree are gray, dirty with dust. The green leaves think, when the rain will come, washed in the rain, this blissful look will become dreamy with shining eyes. Passers-by will look at him at least once while walking. A long sigh of sadness ripped through the chest of the green leaf, thinking of a face full of dry spots. The heart of nature became heavy with the sorrow of green leaves. Bad gray karmanna melody in the bosom of nature. The tears of the torn leaves are mixed in that tune.
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Dusty gray dirty green leaf way, aha what a good spring! The cuckoo calls behind the lusIMG_20201208_190312.jpg
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green leaves in the spring. Kuhu, kuhu kuhu --- the whole courtyard is filled with melody. What a good thing! This makes it look better when the yard, the butterfly flies in the garden. Green leaves do not even know the names of all butterflies. He had a friendship with Urmimala, Shitalpati, Mrinmayi, Taldingi, Shankhamala, Shakuntadla, Meghkumari butterflies in the last spring. They all liked green leaves.

The green leaves look better when they look at the folds of their chests with colorful flowers, the color of the colorful flowers reminds the green leaves. There are bees in the scent of flowers, for collecting honey. There are many kinds of grasshoppers. How many unknown birds also fly around those colorful flowers. It feels good, it feels big! It is not that the flowers do not bloom even in winter, but even when they do bloom, the dull, radiant appearance of the leaves remains. And people don't like this dirty-dust-sandy tree-leaf. The beauty of their choice.

Even for humans, their bodies become dirty, yellowish-green, and they stop breathing. The day of the fall comes fast. Some people light fires, burning in winter. Yet the green leaf way, aha! They have no warm clothes, open skies over their heads, blankets, fire blankets. Having a little trouble, though. After a while the sun will appear in the sky, its heat is low but they will be comfortable. The green leaf hurts for them, but it's not like being angry at the memory. Remember, the ones who get angry are those who hold their breath in the smoke of the brick kiln, those who drive black smoke cars, those who boil rice in the open air. Black smoke also comes out from the chimneys of many factories, then there is a desire to curse those people in anger. But does not give. He does not have to curse, the green leaves know that they will get the result of their own work. Understand, one day you will understand!

Green leaves, not only need spring and rain, but also winter. Winter is needed for birds, rivers, birds! Even for people. If winter does not come, how will people get date juice, eat pitha puli. People will eat molasses in winter. No! Winter is also needed. And nature also needs all kinds of seasons including winter. Thinking about these things, the mind of the green leaf becomes better. The mind of nature becomes better as the mind of green leaves becomes better. The song of winter festival resounded in the mind of nature.

The thick fog of winter falls on the green leaves, sweet melody is played on the chest of the leaves. The filth of the leaves is washed away by the love of that fog-water. The touch of love diminishes the beauty of the leaves. The green leaves became fog lovers. Basantad forgets the fog and forgets the rain. The fog recedes until it falls. Happiness also falls in love that seems to be fog-loving green leaves. The heart of the green leaf is filled with loving sweet words. Green leaves are a word of love throughout life. He growled,
In the bosom of this nature wrapped in fog,
She has sweet happiness this winter too.
The sun is not in the sky. All around wrapped in fog. Nature has curls in winter. The green leaves of the tree are gray, dirty with dust. The green leaves think, when the rain will come, washed in the rain, this blissful look will become dreamy with shining eyes. Passers-by will look at him at least once while walking. A long sigh of sadness ripped through the chest of the green leaf, thinking of a face full of dry spots. The heart of nature became heavy with the sorrow of green leaves. Bad gray karmanna melody in the bosom of nature. The tears of the torn leaves are mixed in that tune.

Dusty gray dirty green leaf way, aha what a good spring! The cuckoo calls behind the lush green leaves in the spring. Kuhu, kuhu kuhu --- the whole courtyard is filled with melody. What a good thing! This makes it look better when the yard, the butterfly flies in the garden. Green leaves do not even know the names of all butterflies. He had a friendship with Urmimala, Shitalpati, Mrinmayi, Taldingi, Shankhamala, Shakuntadla, Meghkumari butterflies in the last spring. They all liked green leaves.

The green leaves look better when they look at the folds of their chests with colorful flowers, the color of the colorful flowers reminds the green leaves. There are bees in the scent of flowers, for collecting honey. There are many kinds of grasshoppers. How many unknown birds also fly around those colorful flowers. It feels good, it feels big! It is not that the flowers do not bloom even in winter, but even when they do bloom, the dull, radiant appearance of the leaves remains. And people don't like this dirty-dust-sandy tree-leaf. The beauty of their choice.

Even for humans, their bodies become dirty, yellowish-green, and they stop breathing. The day of the fall comes fast. Some people light fires, burning in winter. Yet the green leaf way, aha! They have no warm clothes, open skies over their heads, blankets, fire blankets. Having a little trouble, though. After a while the sun will appear in the sky, its heat is low but they will be comfortable. The green leaf hurts for them, but it's not like being angry at the memory. Remember, the ones who get angry are those who hold their breath in the smoke of the brick kiln, those who drive black smoke cars, those who boil rice in the open air. Black smoke also comes out from the chimneys of many factories, then there is a desire to curse those people in anger. But does not give. He does not have to curse, the green leaves know that they will get the result of their own work. Understand, one day you will understand!

Green leaves, not only need spring and rain, but also winter. Winter is needed for birds, rivers, birds! Even for people. If winter does not come, how will people get date juice, eat pitha puli. People will eat molasses in winter. No! Winter is also needed. And nature also needs all kinds of seasons including winter. Thinking about these things, the mind of the green leaf becomes better. The mind of nature becomes better as the mind of green leaves becomes better. The song of winter festival resounded in the mind of nature.

The thick fog of winter falls on the green leaves, sweet melody is played on the chest of the leaves. The filth of the leaves is washed away by the love of that fog-water. The touch of love diminishes the beauty of the leaves. The green leaves became fog lovers. Basantad forgets the fog and forgets the rain. The fog recedes until it falls. Happiness also falls in love that seems to be fog-loving green leaves. The heart of the green leaf is filled with loving sweet words. Green leaves are a word of love throughout life. He growled,In the bosom of this nature wrapped in fog, She has sweet happiness this winter too.

No more today .My English is very weak. If all the mistakes are made, you will be forgiven.

Thank you

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