Some Bengali games lost over time.

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

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Sports are an important part of Bengali culture. From time immemorial, various sports have been organized for exercise and recreation. Moreover, the boys and girls of the village-town used to gather in the field every afternoon and play different kinds of games. Playing in the space of reading was their only way to entertain themselves. These games were purely part of the rural culture. Later, during the British rule, Bengalis became acquainted with football, cricket and other popular sports. Dang-sli, Pittu-like games started to get lost. At the present time, boys and girls are so preoccupied with the rat race of studies that playing games is a waste of time for them.
So in this situation some of the ancient games of rural Bengal have started to get lost.

  1. Dang-s
    Discovered in the Indian subcontinent about 2500 years ago, this game was played in the field of rural Bengal a few years back. Apart from India, the game is also popular in some countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia. ), The ball is used in the nyaya. It jumps when hit on the pointed end of the bullet with a stick. After that, in that jumping condition, he had to be beaten a second time with a stick and sent far away. There are many similarities between this game and the current game of cricket. But many were injured in the shooting. With the dangers of the game, the game of cricket became popular and now the game of dang-s is almost extinct.
  2. Pittu
    Pittu was one of the most popular games among the boys and girls of rural Bengal. No special equipment is required to play this game which is popular in different states of India, just a little ball and 6 pieces of four-legged stone are enough. One of the two teams tries to rearrange the sorted stone by throwing it with the ball and the other group tries to touch them by throwing the ball. Although the game is still in vogue today, the game is slowly losing its popularity.
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