Career formation in the context of Bangladesh.

in blurtbd •  4 years ago  (edited)


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Who doesn't want to go ahead in career? Quitting a job or joining a new job or starting a new education - whatever the situation, it is important to get some education on the relevant subject to be successful. Experienced people can usually teach this to newcomers. Here are some of the lessons learned from Forbes career expert Travis Bradbury. If you don't learn these things beforehand, there is no other way but to suffer later.

  1. Confidence in the first place: There is a spread of confidence among successful people. Because they believe in themselves. Confidence comes to them first, then other things. And if you want to bring it, understand the following points.

A. Doubt always gives birth to new doubts. Why would anyone else trust you? Only if you feel that you have the elements of dependence can you claim your loyalty to others.

B. Confidence is important to take on new challenges. People don't want to believe where they don't feel comfortable. If you want to trust someone, you have to feel safe. Confidence builds a solid foundation around a successful career.

C. Those who do not have self-confidence, they suffer from various internal problems.

  1. The gene is small which you will build: you are not actually a victim of the situation. No one can force you to make a decision. You are the cause of the situation you are in today. You created it. Maybe you didn't have the courage to do what needed to be done to achieve the goal. When you start, plan to climb up and down the ladder.

  2. Busyness is not productivity: you are busy all day. This does not mean that you have to be busy. At the end of one meeting after another your achievement may be zero. Success doesn’t just come from busyness. It comes from concentration which is poured into productive work. Choose productive work from knowledgeable. There is no benefit if your busyness comes out which is not fruitful.

  3. Like everyone else, you are skilled: You will be surrounded by people who will inspire you. Like all other qualified people, you have the ability and talent. Fall will happen if you stay with those who pull you down. The range of life is very small. So don't waste alcohol around these negative people.

  4. Don't say yes unless you want to: A study from the University of California says that the more you feel uncomfortable saying no, the more stress you will feel. No, the word is very strong through which many bad situations can be avoided.

. Avoid overly negative thoughts: You will not always find happiness in your career. Then self-doubt will grow. Pessimism will prevail. If you think too much about these, you will lose confidence. But try to understand what is causing too much trouble from the inside.

. If so, give up the thought: this thought will hinder you in setting goals step by step. If that is the case, it becomes a no-brainer as soon as the word comes to mind. This suspicion leads to a situation where there is no possibility.

. Healthy living: If you are not in good health, no work will be done. Sleep gives performance to the brain. So regular deep sleep is very important. Again, regular exercise can make you more efficient. There is no substitute for sleep and exercise to control self-control, increase concentration and retain memory. According to a study by the Eastern Ontario Research Institute, people who exercise twice a week find themselves competitive after 10 weeks.

  1. Small Victory Celebrations: There is no guarantee that success will always be big. Small achievements are coming right at some point. So these can make you more energetic. This increases the secretion of testosterone hormone. This hormone increases confidence.

  2. Don't expect perfect work: No work is perfect. Naturally nothing is perfect. So if you want to get it, it will only be a waste of time. Without it, mental illness will increase. If you pay attention to it, failure will come. So do quality work to be successful.

  3. Pay attention to the solution: there must be a problem. So always look for solutions. There are ways to solve any problem. I think negative thoughts will peek out if there is a problem.

  4. Forgive yourself: Sometimes you will fail. You will slip and fall. Might be wrong. Do not regret it. Mistakes are only valuable when you can learn from them. Forgive yourself without suffering. Failure to do so will gradually erode your self-confidence. Then you can't have confidence in yourself.

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