Discuss about beautiful plants.

in blurtbd •  3 years ago 


How are you all?
I hope you are all well.
Alhamdulillah, I want to talk to you today about the fact that I am also well. It is about the various natural beauties of our country. We have different types of beautiful landscapes in Bangladesh, one of which is a variety of trees and there are many beautiful trees that are very nice to see.

Among the various types of trees that are usually too large or too small in size and many beautiful words look beautiful, the tree you see in a picture is not a very large work and the leaves of a tree that are small in size and very beautiful to look at are very Looks pretty thorny but these are the ones I look beautiful and very pretty to look at

This time the tree you see is very beautiful and the leaves are yellow. Unlike Bakerganj, this work is not very big in size and round shape. It looks like very beautiful words. Not too big. As if the yellow words of other colors like flowers look very beautiful



The last time I shared a picture of a flower with you, it looks very beautiful and it is very beautiful. There are different types of flowering plants in our country but they look very beautiful. There are many people who love flowers and love flowers because they are very beautiful to look at. Many people like this picture which you can see on YouTube is a beautiful flower.

Today I shared with you a nice discussion about plants and flowers. I hope you like it.

Thank you all for reading this post.

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