Not unnecessary vitamins.

in blurtbd •  2 years ago 


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Multitudinous times we take vitamins by ourselves or by listening to the advice of others or bringing benefits to the body of others. Do not borrow croaker's advice or tradition. Still, taking too multitudinous vitamins in the body can lead to serious health problems.

Devilish input of vitamins A, D, E and K, especially oil-answerable vitamins, can beget serious damage to the body. This condition is called hypervitaminosis in medical terms. Being health conscious, vitamins derived from nature can play a part in preventing conditions in our body. That's why you don't need to spend spare capitalist to buy vitamin medicines.
Vitamin A Devilish input of vitamin A supplement tablets can beget dry skin. Not only this, with the help of this color the skin becomes pale, the nails come broken and fine, fatigue sets in, abdominal pain is felt and the most intimidating thing is blurred vision. Pseudomonas aeruginosa or hypertension inside the brain can be caused by taking high pilules of vitamin C. The richest sources of vitamin A are colorful fruits and vegetables. Analogous as mango, sweet potato, carrot, papaya and sweet pumpkin.

Vitamin B Working long hours can lead to muscle pressure at night. It's a complaint caused by vitamin B12 insufficiency. Vitamin B supplements are given in the treatment of this complaint. In addition, spinal cord injury can be caused by severe vitamin deficiencies. Dragged use of this tablet can also beget damage to the nervous system. That is why the body can come useless.
Therefore, it's important to know the capsule of any vitamin before consulting a croaker. Vegetables, beats, picked lentils, legumes and spare meat should be included in the quotidian diet.

Vitamin C Vitamin C is used by the body to absorb iron. In addition, Vitamin C enhances immunity; Prevents cold, cough, aversions. If such a rich vitamin is taken in spare also nausea with abdominal pain may do. May beget long- term bone loss. Lemon, Mango, Tamarind, Tomato, Grapefruit, Guava, Orange, Sajane, Bell-These common fruits are rich in VitaminC.
Vitamin D A study factory that 80 percent of people in developing countries suffer from vitamin D insufficiency. To make up for this insufficiency, everyone is taking vitamin D supplements.

These supplements increase the attention of vitamin D in the blood, which accumulates in the soft organs of the body analogous as the heart, feathers, and lungs. This can lead to multitudinous farther conditions besides heart complaint and myopathy. Therefore, it is not possible to take vitamin D medicine in any way by subjugating the common people and flashy health tips. Egg yoke and beast liver are truly effective in adding vitamin D in the body. In addition, indeed if the sun shines on the body in the morning, vitamin'D' is made in the body by itself.

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