In the month of victory some words about the liberation war of Bangladesh.

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

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People love freedom forever. Everyone wants to live independently. Wants freedom of speech. Wants the freedom to survive.
Our liberation war is the best event in the thousand year history of Bengal. Our freedom has been achieved in exchange for many sacrifices and one sea of ​​blood. As an independent nation, we have got the right to stand tall in the court of the world, we have got a sovereign state. Not subjugation, not bondage, want liberation, the dream of building a prosperous Bangladesh free from exploitation and deprivation in the intoxication of liberation awakened the consciousness of Bengalis. The rebels tasted the liberation of Bengalis in the revolution in 1971.
The battlefield of 1971 was divided into 11 sectors for the smooth conduct of the war of liberation. The Pakhanadar forces were gradually attacked by guerrilla forces. Fed up with the oppression of the Pak aggressors, millions of men and women took refuge in neighboring India. Among them, General Osmani formed a huge guerrilla force and naval commando.
The Air Force carried out its first air strikes on Chittagong and Dhaka on 4th December with their own aircraft and from this date onwards the various areas were liberated by 13th December in a joint attack by the Liberation Army and the Allied Forces. Then on 16th December the commander of the Pak aggressor force Lt. J. Niazi with his 94,000 troops surrendered to the joint command at the then Ramna Race Course ground with weapons. As a result, the final victory of Bangladesh was signaled.The significance and importance of the war of liberation in the national life of Bengalis is immense. It was through this war that Bangladesh became independent on December 16, 1971, and Bangladesh has taken its place on the world map as an independent and sovereign state.

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