Family is a social association!

in blurtbd •  2 years ago 


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The family is a social institution where a father lives and a mama lives. The new generation comes from these parents. Just as maters have liabilities in the family, so do fathers. Because children not only learn from their mama, they also pay close attention to their father's geste. So if there's a son in a family, he starts allowing of his father's place from an early age. Growing up he wanted to be a man like his father.
So when Dad returns home after a long day's work, he finds hot rice on the table and the house is tidy. He noway formerly in 365 days of the time holds the hand of his cherished woman sitting at home all day and says that you have come as a blessing in my life.

On the negative, when the father returned home, he didn't find anything tidy or started crying about the trivial incident with the man named Ma. At an early age, children are hysterical of their father's shouting and hide behind their mama. Mama seems to be his only safe haven also.
As these children grow aged, the girl of the house understands her mama's grief and sits beside her holding her hand, thinking of herself in her mama's place. Let mama feel I'm by your side. But the son of the house doesn't realize his mama's plight, because long ago he put himself in his father's place.

So the mama's suffering or abandonment and the father's neglect of the mama doesn't feel illegal to her. In the real world, lumbering mammoths are exposed by the aggression of speeding diminutives. Whether he marries with the concurrence of his parents or marries the girl of his choice, he can not get out of this habit.
In the case of infidelity too, when a girl falls in love with a foreigner, the woman or girl only wants to have a separate family with the man named father, but she doesn't reach out to the son of her illegitimate nut. But when a boy falls in love with a foreigner, he's not only satisfied with that one woman, he looks after that woman/ mama and also at that little girl in the house. She's like her own son and she does not stop then. She wants all the other girls in the house to taste the curry. Not indeed the wench gets relieve of that charming sight. I'm not a feminist, I'm a man first and also a woman.

A boy is responsible for 80 of the misery of moment's society because his father noway tutored him how to admire girls. So I say to the man named Baba, formerly you see yourself standing in front of the glass, how important respect and gratefulness you're giving to the people in your family. Because a new generation boy is looking at you. That's your reflection.
I'm not writing this to hurt anyone tête-à-tête. It's seen from the society around me. Whether it's Bangladesh or this distant England, the picture is the same everyplace. When a woman is circumcised, only the father moves down. But when a boy commits infidelity, the whole world breaks up because of his unattractive geste. A mama can give a good generation only when her cherished hubby gives her 100 helping hand and respects her. Parents are no cover. Everyone has their own liabilities. So let us all purify ourselves not only for our own benefit but also for the benefit of the whole society. I admire everyone as a mortal being. Be it the cherished woman or the wench. Your children will get your regardful station, and we will get a clean society.

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