At home or in the office, Feel free to infect the virus .

in blurtbd •  3 years ago 


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The below statement was made by Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations. At this time of the Coronavirus or Covid-19 epidemic, the word has got a fully different dimension. Now the problem has entered our faith. The man who's coming forward from the front, he's not attacked or not? Or the door I am opening, the president I am sitting in, the glass of water I am drinking-is not it infected with the nimbus contagion? Such a question has been hanging us since March last time. This fear was less in us for a while after entering the vaccine. But since April of this time, the fear and fear about Corona has increased again. We can not have absolute faith anywhere in the house or office. I can not see the stopgap that I'll be released from Corona again overnight. So we've to choose resistance rather than remedy. It's stylish to be careful. And keep the home or office terrain free of origins. In this case,'s home and office contagion disinfection service may be the most effective result for you.
Makroviren sind Computerviren, die nicht als eigenständiger (und kompilierter) Law vorliegen, sondern in Form eines Makros. Ein Makro ist ein Programmteil und kann in einem Dokument eingebettet sein. So kann zum Beispiel ein Word-Dokument ein Makro enthalten, das bestimmte Vorgänge in Word automatisiert und dem Benutzer Arbeit abnimmt. Ein Makrovirus ist so programmiert, dass er sich selbst in andere Dokumente einnistet und schädliche Funktionen aufruft, beispielsweise indem er Texte in Word-Dateien verändert oder beliebige Dateien auf der Festplatte löscht.

Die überwiegende Mehrzahl verwendet dazu Microsofts imperative Makrosprachen VBA oder VBS. Da VBA und VBS direkt auf die Manipulation von Dateien zielen, ist das Gefahrenpotenzial von Makroviren entsprechend hoch.
What's contagion disinfection?
Hygiene, cleanliness, sanitation-these words were familiar to us time after time, but noway came so important. Words that have been around for so long and are as common as ten words are now essential, inflexible, exacting. Origins are now the name of a fear. And we calculate on sanitation to keep ourselves from this fear. Sanitation, still, doesn't fully disinfect. Some bacteria remain. Bacteria that can not be excluded without sanitizing can be effectively treated with a contagion disinfection service.

Sanitationvs. Disinfection Which Is Better?
Meistens ist es das Ziel, die Standardvorlage (in Word „ “) zu infizieren, da diese bei jedem Programmstart automatisch geladen wird und der Virus so automatisch mit aktiv wird. Es werden alle neu erstellten Dokumente mit diesem Contagion infiziert und er erreicht die höchst mögliche Verbreitung.

Einen gewissen Schutz bieten aktuelle Antivirenprogramme sowie Vorsicht beim Datenaustausch.
With sanitation you can only remove origins. This means that whether it's adulatory water or liquid sanitizer, you are only getting relieve of origins, but you can not fully destroy them. Disinfection does just that. That's to kill the origins fully. That's why the threat of infection from origins is greatly reduced. So Corona experts are now pushing for regular sanitation, and for a certain period of time to disinfect the contagion in your own home or office.

What's the Home and Office Virus Disinfection Service?
Whether at home or in the office, getting infected with the contagion is inversely important. But this complex task is delicate to do on private action. does this hard work efficiently. During the contagion disinfection service we fully disinfect the most habituated spots in your home or office using a variety ofnon-toxic andeco-friendly chemicals. As a result, you're safe and secure.
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi @jinnah
We should wash our hands often with soap and water for ourselves and our families.
Your post is very good for defending the people. Thank you very much
and i this Blurt new come .