Types of Mechanical Gears and Some mathematical problems related to gear

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 

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After a long time, i am back with my textile tutorial again.
Todays Topic is gear. I have explained here about-
Definition of Gear
Advantages of gears
Disadvantages of gears
Classification of gears
Mathematical Problems of Gears
Gears Used in Textile Machinery
Yarn Manufacturing and Weaving Gears.

Here you will get idea on following gears-

  • Spur Gear & Planetary gear (internal gear)
  • Helical gears & Herringbone gears
  • Rack & Pinion
  • Bevel gear (Miter gear) [Straight and Spiral]
  • Worm and Worm gear
  • Sprocket and Chain
  • Carrier wheel in compound gear
  • Ratchet and pawl
  • Pulley and belt [Grooved pulley and V belt]
  • Magnetic Wheel

I have solved five mathematical problems here in this tutorials

  1. A wheel of 80 teeth fixed on a shaft of 120 rpm drives a wheel B of 50 teeth. Find the speed of the shaft on which the driven wheel is fixed.

  2. A wheel A of 60 teeth is driven by a wheel B of 40 teeth. On the same stud of B is fixed a wheel C of 80 teeth. The wheel C is driven by a wheel D of 30 teeth, fixed on a shaft making 240 rpm. Find speed of A.

  3. A single worm of 300 rpm drives a worm wheel of 30 teeth. Find the speed of worm wheel.

  4. A machine pulley Z is driven by another pulley Y by means of a belt. On the shaft of the pulley Y is fixed another pulley X which is driven from the main shaft pully W by means of a belt and has a rpm of 120. Assuming the dia of the pulleys W, X, Y and Z to be 45 cm, 36 cm, 25 cm and 15 cm respectively. Calculate the speed of Z pulley.

  5. A pulley having a diameter of 30 cm is driven by another pulley having a dia of 40 cm and 150 rpm. Calculate the rpm of the driven pulley allowing a loss of 5% speed due to slippage.

And another problem related to carrier wheel in compound gear.

Source: Weaving Calculation by Sen Gupta
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