Travel time photography

in blurtbd •  4 years ago 


You can see a picture above. In fact, it is not just a picture, behind every picture there are some memories, some joys and some pains.

During the university holidays, my friend Shaheen and my uncle Russell took the initiative to visit the west side of the famous Jamuna Bridge. In the meantime, we went for a walk around the Jamuna Bridge. After crossing the Jamuna Bridge on the west bank, we saw a beautiful view. We got down there.

It was so good to see the environment as if nature was falling down that I couldn't finish saying it in my mouth. Then I saw a shop there and we saw a small hut next to the shop. In fact, it is not a hut. There is a coffee house there. Everyone buys coffee from the coffee house and sits here and eats coffee.

It was very nice to see and I woke up wanting to have coffee too. Then we took coffee and sat inside the room and ate coffee. I could not understand when it was afternoon. The atmosphere seemed more beautiful in the afternoon.

There are a lot of people there for coffee. I spent some time inside the Jamuna Ecopark Park. There I saw many beautiful scenery.
Then I came out of the park and sat in front of the shop. It was evening and it was as if nature was falling there.

I like photography very much, in a word, I am a photographer.
It was so nice to see the environment there that I felt like I couldn't understand the picture when I took a picture

Then I took a picture and shared the picture with all of you. That is why I say that behind a picture there are some memories, some joys and some pains.

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