Blurt Social Media Promotion Community Proposal

in blurtauddev •  4 years ago  (edited)

Good Day Blurters,

I’ve been seeing a bunch of people putting together proposals for community projects and I thought I’d like put my hand into the blockchain blender and see what comes out. I know for a fact that with the right styling, right presentation, easy to find asset packs, regular outreach and social media done cleanly, with the right support and the right backing, the right styling and an idea for attention and detail we can really start to make a little regular dent in outreach.

Photo by Teemu Paananen on Unsplash

As you know social, video, streaming, gaming, it’s all a portal into building big on demand audiences. While I’ve not personally been able to build a big community and audience due to lack of capable and reliable equipment I do understand what it takes to build them up, day by day, account by account, relationship by relationship.

I spent many a year shouting from the rooftops of steem, about different dapps, putting videos out on social media about the platform and even made courses on udemy that have thousands of students.

There is no reason why I can’t do that again for something like blurt — myself, friends and people who are creatively and graphically minded could contribute to the overall project and nobody would lead it, it would be just a unified effort to build dedicated assets packs for the users to download, use easily and therefore communicate to their existing audiences across social media.

And so, that’s where this proposal and outreach to the gods that be that move funds around from accounts to accounts to consider our goals. We ask that the blurt foundation gods will allocate and delegate 1 million blurt power to the @blurtauddev (blurt audience development) account so that we may hand pick and reward people who wish to interact with our community.

how will the blurt foundation benefit?

  1. providing the users with graphics, assets, animation elements and easy to find materials to use in their daily content creation is paramount to ‘getting the word’ out about the platform — this helps not only with retention of users interest but also maintains a good brand image across social accounts
  2. It will drive more social adoption as people will want to tell people about the community groups they are part of as we will be able to reward them for the efforts they put in to enhance that social media narrative.
  3. Clean, polished, well designed graphics and brand guidelines speak volumes, they build trust, they show commitment and if a new user can get up to speed fast and be part of the conversation in unison that lifts everyone up into a place of considering being more invested in the community (i.e — fomo to buy/investigate the token & blockchain)

How can the Blurt Social Media community benefit from this?

  1. Feeling invested in by getting bigger upvotes will motivate people to take part so they can stack more blurt crypto and hopefully be long term investors instead of just token dumpers — providing them with a conduit from normal centralised social media to the new web3 social media of a blockchain like blurt.
  2. A blockchain with out transaction records looks like a lonely place on sites that track TX records and activity — the life and soul and the juice of a blockchain is it’s regular updates and it’s ledger blocks, we will empower a potential remote audience to get up to speed quickly with dedicated assets that make social media storytelling easier and more polished - with tricks and tips, free software and asset packs they can use to improve the content they put out across social media.
  3. Investment in a diverse blockchain portfolio, a hedge into a new iteration of a very well used and battle tested blockchain technology with different guidelines and outlooks compared to existing versions of the chain.

How can one opt in to be a part of this and be curated?

  1. If we are approved, we will use custom tags that @blurtauddev will monitor and curate, only quality, well put together packs will be upvoted and recommendations and feedback will be given for improvement and future potential upvotes.
  2. Post quality posts, not copy/paste spam or plagiarised content, passionate, time spent, well formed, useful for the overall community for brand outreach.
  3. Depending on the outcome of the proposal and it’s approval we will look at methods of curation submission either via places like twitter, discord and beyond

I @teamhumble as a technologist using the blurt platform make this proposal appeal in the hope that we can put together some well formed audience development for the platform compared to other attempts on other graphene blockchains.

Granting the @blurtauddev account with this proposal request will activate my ‘audience development’ trap card in which I’ll manage with great blockchain responsibility and with the upmost respect for quality and vigorous perfection seeking based on personal responsibility, integrity and without personal self-gain or malice to others (construct feedback to be expected)

Yours in Cyberspace,
Señor Humble

appears there is a certain 'structure' to the way that these delegations/proposals work and it's kinda the same as before on other blockchains so i'll be using the @blurtauddev for audience development projects talking about blurt mainly based around the fact that their is no downvoting, as i think that's the strong point! cheers!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

shout out to @megadrive and other parties of the socialgraph foundation to take a look in (see my recent post to see what i'd plan to create) as downloadable assets and also what others could be building for the community too.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Heya I will sit down and read this properly today and reply.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

thanks man. look forward to answering any questions and thoughts that may pop up.