Artwork From Massesect E.P. Enmeshed

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

Used to have this weaved pattern fabric hanging on the wall. It was kind of neat. It is one of the first photos I took when I got a new iPad some years back. Decided to use it as base for artwork for new music E.P. called Enmeshed. I used the glitche app to warp the picture/try to make it look interesting. I liked the results and got what I wanted, some art for my music project!! Whenever I do this I want to make more

I like the clay wall in the background, makes good texture for the photo. I finally figured out how to add text on glitche but it glitches so had to overlay the writing separately. When you try to add text on top of the photo the screen goes black. I hope this glitch fixes soon 'cause it sucks to make that extra step.

I am glad I was able to make the cover, even with those couple glitches. Looking forward to the next art piece with writing in it 'cause I like the randomized text on the glitche program, pretty cool

The Enmeshed E.P. is on bandcamp, it is also on Spotify and YouTube now too!


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