A Look At My Most Intense Work of Art.

in blurtart •  2 years ago 

I went through my gallery today as I was trying to select some of my recent works for an upcoming art exhibition and stumbled on one of my most iconic works. I realised that ever since I created this piece, I have beeen so busy that I barely take time to sink and adore in the grace of this work of art. I also came to the realisation that this is my most intense piece of art this year, one with the most engagements on social media platforms and one that took the most time to create. It is that piece of art I started creating and at some point wondered; Had I made a mistake for trying to create something that looks so complex? Was it even worth it? Especially since we live in an era where most people barely take time to consume artworks they see on social media". There were times the drawing didn't look like it was gonna come out great especially when I was still at the early stage just after the sketch, but I just kept believing this piece was gonna be one of my best works, if not for the idea, then for the long ass time it was taking me to complete it.

The idea behind the piece also made it one unque piece especially since so many people resonated with it. "MY DEMONS WONT LET ME SLEEP" was the perfect name and I got the inspiration for this name from Sia's "Never Give Up". The piece portrayed just how intense some of us struggle with our demons, worries, past trauma and are kept awake by these to either become better versions of ourselves for ourselves, our families and our society. A closer look at the piece shows how much work was put into the detailing and taking a look a this piece today, I appreciated the efforts I had put in and got motivated to do better. I selected this art for the exhibition and I hope he viewers find it ias interesting as I do.

Thanks for checking it out.

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