Grasping world

in blurtart •  4 years ago 

Basically I have no academic knowledge about drawing and art, but I find myself and I just myself as a creative person.

I like to think and want to draw my thinking on the canvas with pen or pencil. As I have a little bit knowledge and expertise on drawing, I can't expose my imagination on the paper perfectly.. but I am trying to learn.

Today's Sketch

As I am a student of political science, I have to learn about the international politics and the influencing bodies of the world.

The most influential body of the international politics is United Nation. How I justify the activities of United nation? I want to draw on sketch about it.. with the title Grasp of Power.

Why I chose this title? Is it a metaphor?

You know, the United nation does marketing of democracy and humanity. But the question arises on my mind, is UN more democratic and rational?

There is VETO Power on United Nation Security Council for only five countries and if they are not been convinced about any matter, then humanity may be denied.

We have experienced a lot of examples like Palestine and other third world countries. That's why this discrimination of power and imbalance of power of the countries is like the fingers of a hand that can grasp anything strongly and can break it ok keep it save.

So we are now in the hand of UN and its singers are the dominating five countries.










  • Title: Grasp of Power
  • Paper: Normal thin white paper
  • Drawing instruments: 2B Pencil, Sharpener
  • Photo Captured: Samsung A30s, no edit (just light adjusted)
  • Duration: Half Hour
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