Featured Nature Tourism in West Java

in blurtart •  3 years ago 


If you want to find a different holiday atmosphere, exploring natural tourism can be an option. The province of West Java itself, is a repository of beautiful natural attractions that cannot be found in other areas.

Curug Cikaso, Sukabumi Regency

Geopark Ciletuh has a beautiful and magnificent waterfall called Cikaso. The clear water flowing from the three waterfalls slides into a bluish green pool whose atmosphere provides serenity.

This waterfall or Curug Cikaso has a height of about 80 meters with a width of about 100 meters, the flow of water flowing between the crevices of the river rocks adds to the charm of this place.

Other tourist activities, tourists can walk along the Cikaso River which flows after the pond. Here, tourists will be presented with natural views of the tropical forest area with towering cliffs that spoil the eye.

Pangumbahan Beach, Sukabumi Regency

Pangumbahan Beach is located in Gunungbatu Village, Ciracap District, Sukabumi Regency. The oldest rocks in West Java are located around the Pangumbahan Coast line, producing quartz or silica sand which is commonly used as a natural filter for waterways.

Pangumbahan Beach is also a habitat for green turtles, here green turtles pass by and lay their eggs. Tourists can document the process of releasing these protected animals into the high seas.

Panyaweuyan Terrace, Majalengka Regency

Terraces can also be transformed into a holiday destination that can be included in the vacation records of tourists on weekends.

Tourists can feel the atmosphere of the mountains, with shady trees and greenery. The view of the beautiful landscape of Majalengka and Mount Ciremai also makes tourists feel at home for long there.

Blue Lake Cicerem, Kuningan Regency

Kuningan Regency has another popular tourist spot, namely Telaga Biru Cicerem. There, tourists can enjoy views of the lake as clear as glass with hundreds of colorful fish in it.

The clarity of the water in Telaga Biru Cicerem makes the fish swimming in the lake clearly visible. Therefore, many say that the water in this lake is as clear as glass.

Sunrise Point Cukul Bandung Regency

Sunrise Cukul Point has become a new tourist attraction in the Pangalengan area, Bandung Regency. Here, it is one of the best spots to watch the sunrise among the green and soothing expanses of tea plantations at the foot of Mount Wayang.

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