Drawing of the mythical creatures of the chakkula village(fiction) the Hexyl

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

Hi guys!
Hope you had a wonderful day today?
On explaining a bit of the culture of the chakkula village which to most who have not read my post is a fiction village I came up with. I mentioned the mythical or divine beasts of the kingdom that the people hold precious to them. And after more details added and colored I have brought the imagination to life and we can now see a near detailed view of how they look like.

You know one of my loved reason for being an artist and being able to do digital art is the ability to bring your imagination to life by drawing out the details and adding colors and effects to bring it out as you picture it in your head.
There are two species. The hexyl is the base and the rare hexyls are called the Xyleh.
In this post and today I was able to draw the hexyl and yet to complete the work on the Xyleh.

  • A drawing of a creature called Hexyl of the chakkula tribe.


My choice of a range of blue color is not a standard for the species by for now something in the blue area is the basic reference for them. Also the fur can be noticed in the drawing I did of the queen where he upper clothing is made of it as glowy blue.
For the hair on the skin, a lighter shade of purple is used. No specific reason other than the fact I like purple and don't want to make to many varying colors that shout out. So the hairs around are purple.
Here I worked on the neck and side view of the body still keeping the color blend I started. And the eyes glow as well with mainly green and slight red show case.

I would have stopped there but I also wanted the full look so I cut and pasted while resizing so that I can get enough space to extend the drawing of the whole body.
Unlike a tiger where the back size is relatively high like the front even with the head bent mine I decided to make the back side or back limbs shorter, so it can have a sloppy like nature from the head going down to the tail. And to mention the tail , I designed it to have a bit more color and touch of pink and red tot show likes it partially growing and hairy. And lastly the legs are lighter colored than the upper skin.
Trade secret; the hexyl eat both plants and animals but mostly plants as they are peaceful. Also they only associates with chakkula village.
Thanks for Viewing 😊

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