What's up blurtters? Here is the first of many promotion videos for the blurt video challenge.
This was just a nice slide show for blurt. I will be making this my intro video for all my upcoming cannabis videos.
Even before this promotion video you can check out my grow videos of my promoting blurt over the last couple months.
You to can join the blurtvideo
Cool Video, cool music, cool text - feel the positive community!
And thank you for recommendation of my Welcome Post. By the way, if you leave out the front part of the link:
[Welcome Post](/blurt/@michelangelo3/welcome-to-blurt)
you can click on it at any frontend, without landing somewhere else. You can try it with the link above. Just a suggestion.
Thanks that's awesome and very beneficial for dropping blurt links.
You post is super helpful so got to spread it 😁
Oops, I forgot to give you my Witness vote, just done.
Great promotional for blurt.
Most excellent... Shared with 300 Million people on Twitter #blurtlove