I Painted a Sign for Tabling at a Coffee Shop

in blurtart •  11 months ago 


So come down to Boulder Coffee on Alexander Street and get jacked on Joe and Ron paintings!
Ah me, oh my! If only I could step away from the business of art. Please dear cosmos, bring me a fair and kind agent to provide a dishwasher’s salary. I don’t need much. I just want to paint, write, walk, cook, eat, wash my clothes and bedding, and sleep. Why is turning art into money do damn hard?
Rhetorical question. I already know the answer. It’s just too painful to admit out loud:)

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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thank you:)

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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Wonderful! Thanks!

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Jacked on hooch too, today.

So this is boulder coffee in Oswego? How long will your work be up?

I don't know the answer. Because money doesn't grow on trees and can't be made into paper to paint on? Couldn't you just paint money?

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

No, Boulder is a coffee shop in Rochester. I tabled there yesterday. Just a one time art spread, and then pack it up for home. The best place to show art I swear is in bars and coffee shops. I have a solo show at Fuego Coffee in Rochester in October. That will be up for a month:)
I realized yesterday that I am feeling the pinch from this project. Had to decline time spent with my daughter in order to not go over budget. Put me in a sad place for a couple hours. Good! It’s having an effect, which is what’s supposed to happen.
Feeling much better today😀

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

The next time you do something in Rochester, please let me know. I go there now and then to visit my brother.

That bars are a good place for a show surprises me. You sell stuff there, or just have fun? Coffee shops I can understand, but bars?!

I had restaurants that people put shows up in. Sometimes they sold stuff, but often that was only to me. I was always shocked at how much work it is to put a show up. I loved one of your posts that showed clotheslines and clips to hang unframed or stretched art. so friendly, and tactile.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I will let you know. I have a solo coffee shop show scheduled sometime in October. That’s all for now, but it’s early in the year. Opportunities pop up in correlation with spring flowers.
I did very well at the Tap & Mallet in Rochester in 2018. Half of the paintings sold. Makes perfect sense to me. Alcohol coaxes bravery to gamble and purchase art:)
I had land in Sterling several years ago, right next door to the Renaissance Fair. When I stayed overnight on summer weekends, there would be an all day stream of cars pass. Not a usual occurrence in rural upstate NY. How could I ignore such an opportunity? I’d hang my paper paintings on a clothesline and sit in the shade for hours. I did this a few times each year for several summers. Sold one. I am still the fool who has not become wise by persisting in his folly. C’mon Mr. Blake, how much longer must I wait? 😀
Thank you!

Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thank you!