Abstract Patterns in the Wood and Reorganizing My Photo Archives

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

The failure of my external hard drive has led me to some wonderful discoveries in my photo archives. It also made me realize how vulnerable my collection of photos were. So now that I have added a 4 TB internal drive and two more external drives totaling 10 TB I think I have enough redundant backups to put my mind at ease. :)

Click images for larger view

While I was backing up my photos I also decided to go back and catalog some of my shots a little better using keywords in Lightroom. Something I should have done when I originally up loaded the files to Lightroom but... procrastination and being in a hurry to post sometimes leads me to pass over this step (okay maybe a little lazy too), lol.


These are some shots I took in October of last year on a short walk from the road along the Pacific Crest Trail. This first shot gives you an idea of the type of terrain I was in. This part of the PCT passes through a giant lava field and you can see some of the dead trees that became the subjects of my photos.

When I took these I envisioned using Lightroom to enhance their appearance, so I got to work and did a lot of cropping, rotating and processing. I was hoping to bring out more of the, what I thought, were unique patterns in the wood.

The pass through the Cascade Mountain Range in this area is closed during winter and these old relics spend several months packed in snow. Perhaps that helps add to the enhancement of these patterns.

Click images for larger view

Over all this was good exercise for both the creative and technical sides of my brain and something I hope to do more of. Hope you enjoyed the results of my little brain exercise. :)

Please feel free to make comments or ask me any questions about this post.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Nikon D3300 and some Lightroom post processing.

Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!

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Posted via proofofbrain.io

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sharing the photos and stories behind them. Makes for a good read.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are welcome! Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my work. :)