Blurtart Poetry : Daisy Dog Limericks

in blurtart •  3 years ago  (edited)

Have you ever written a Limerick ?

A Limerick is a 5 line poem that follows a strict meter and always has a AABBA rhyme scheme. The most famous Limerick is “ There once was a man from Nantucket .... This is one I wrote yesterday for 100 word Poetry contest. To get to 100 words I had to write 4 connected Limericks.

There once was a dog named daisy.
Everyone thought she was crazy
She would sleep all day.
And Never wanted to play.
I guess she was just lazy.

Daisy had a friend named Bo
He was a little slow
He liked to pee on the floor
Could never get to the door.
These 2 dogs had to go.

But wait there’s one more
The dog they called Thor
He was worse than the other two.
Everything in the house he would chew.
It’s a good thing there weren’t four.

What more can I say
Life is getting weirder by the day.
Our house is a wreck
But who gives a heck.
We love them anyway.


My doodle of Thor the Double Doodle with black ink pen

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